Chapter 11

Four Hours Earlier

"I don't understand why you're leaving when you just earned a lot of respect from beating me up," Aiden said as we traveled through the forest.

I chuckled at his comment before answering with

"Its complicated" and shrugged my shoulders

"Come on Amber, I thought we became friends?" He questioned looking back at me.

"What exactly do you think made us friends, Aiden" I retorted in confusion not remembering a moment when we decided to start this friendship.

"We shared a very special bond in that fight." He explained looking at me as if it was something extremely obvious.

"What bond?" I responded still confused looking at him and raising my eyebrow.

"You know the one where you beat someone up and end up being best friends afterward," he explained as if it was common knowledge to everyone in this world.

"When did that happen?"

"I don't know but it usually happens in every cheesy movie." He said smiling and shrugging his shoulders

"We are not in a movie," I retorted looking at him like it was obvious

"Come on. Please? I mean at least we are friends right?" He questioned giving me puppy eyes

"Yeah I guess" I responded not seeing a reason not to befriend the friendly beta

"Okay, so you can tell me right?" he immediately questioned

"You know you're not like most betas" I mentioned hoping to change the subject.

"Well is our Alpha like most Alphas?" he said giving me a look like he's made a giant point in this discussion

"No Nick is definitely not normal," I said laughing and remembering Nick singing let it go in the parking lot in front of everyone

"Okay so can I know now?" he says as he comes to a stop and looks at me.

"Are we almost to the border?" I questioned trying to get him to keep going and off the subject of my mate

"Yup. Now, will you answer my question? "

He is super persistent and will not let go of my reasoning behind leaving. I mean telling him wouldn't be all that bad after all Nick knows and even though he wouldn't tell his pack I'm pretty sure his beta is an exception

"Fine. I found my mate and it just didn't work out.. can we continue now?" I said pointing through the trees.

"No, not until. .....its the other Alpha isn't it. Your mates the other Alpha? But he has been marked. Are you not the one that marked him?" He questioned basically piecing everything together in a matter of seconds.

"Nope not my mark," I told him not caring about it and crossed my arms over my chest

"That fucking jerk" he immediately responded in anger

"Yeah so ....uh .... can we continue now?" I said trying to get as far away as possible before my Mate realizes what I am doing.

"Oh yeah ....sorry about ....him," he said as he continued to lead the way

"Its okay, I just kind of figured he would wait. I mean I understand not being a virgin because he had needs and being Alpha they are stronger but the mark I thought he would have waited I mean that's only something mates are supposed to share between them. " I don't know why but I felt comfortable opening up to Aiden, I didn't feel a need to protect myself with my walls.

'Well who would have guessed you actually care about our mate' my wolf chimed in

'Shut-up I'm still mad at you for what you almost did' I responded

'I have no idea what you're talking about'

She said then cut the connection

"Yeah, but at least your not like every other she-wolf that sits around and watches their mate with another. You're strong enough to leave even though you know how much it's gonna hurt. Your taking care of you first and honestly that shows how strong you are."

"Thanks, Aiden your actually a lot easier to talk to than Nick," I said smiling at him

"Yeah, that's why I am his beta. Besides when Alpha Jose leaves you can come back and visit sometimes. I mean your always welcome to it's not like we're enemies. "

He said then his eyes glazed over meaning he was talking through pack link to someone.

A couple minutes later he snapped out of it and had an amused look on his face

"What happened? " I asked

"Alpha Jose just ran out of class, my guess is he noticed your absence in class."

"Ahh shit. Are we at least near the border? " I said panicking slightly

"Yeah actually its a couple tree's down" Aiden answered pointing down the path I would need to take

"Thank you, Aiden, for everything," I said

As I turned to finish the distance he says.

"Remember to visit whether you are a rogue or an Alpha you will always be welcome" he then turned and left the way we came.

I finished the distance to the border before loosening the bag that I brought with my spare clothes in it and shifted.

I was heading north because Jose's pack was south. I had one thought on my mind, don't stop no matter what.


Its been four hours of running non-stop and avoiding borders. My limbs are slightly aching from all the running and my stomach is growling in hunger. I found this place that's nowhere near anyone else's territory and its deep in the forest.

My stomach growled and encouraged me to go hunting. The scent of a deer catches my attention and I begin to follow it. I am pretty close when the sound of growls catches my interest. Abandoning my dinner for the moment I perk up my ears to pin point the direction of the noise.

Keeping a safe distance and crouching behind bushes so I don't get discovered I creep up to what looks like a fight. Two almost identical wolves are being circled by four other wolves that smell horrible. The identical ones are both brown and white. The body of one is brown while its ears are white along with its paws the other one is the same except the colors are switched.

I was debating whether or not I should jump in when one of the four circling the two in the middle attack and gets the brown one in the hind leg making it howl. The white one looks back and is completely open for an attack which happens. They are both being pinned down while the other two wolf starts heading their way. Oh, hell to the no they are fucking cheating. This is an unfair fight and I despise bullies in any form.

I jump out from behind the bush and startle the one pinning the brown one down. He quickly backs off while the brown wolf gets on its feet looks at me then at the rogues that attacked him. He then charges the wolf holding his friend down. Once they are both up they stand behind me.

The white one on my right and the brown one on my left, both wolves smaller than me. I look up to where the four wolves are looking at us. The biggest one, the leader I'm guessing comes forward, I do the same seeing as I'm the biggest one out of the three of us.

The two wolves on my sides look at me cautiously but don't make a move. Once the rogue leader and I were close enough I notice I am still bigger than him, a trait I am proud of might I add. He starts circling me and I do the same. I, of course, like every time I fight wait for my opponent to make the first move. He did after getting impatient he unskillfully threw himself at me.

I quickly dodged it and sunk my teeth into his neck successful breaking it under the power of my jaw. After I release his neck I put my paw on his dead limp body and howl which was followed by two other howls. This only shows the rogues I was Alpha around here and they had no right to harm anyone.

Once I stopped I looked and noticed the only ones still here were the two wolves I saved and me. I looked at them to make sure they were okay. It sort of scared me how they were already looking at me but I ignored it.

I accomplished the ass whooping so I started to head back to my hunt. I was at the bush I jumped out of when I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned around only to find the two wolves staring at me.

I shake my big wolfy head at them hoping they get the message and leave me alone. I turned and continued my hunt, only to have two wolves follow me.

Ignore them maybe they will go away. I thought to my self-continuing my hunt I find a herd of deer. I crouch down and get ready to pounce, once one gets close enough I do just that sinking my claws into its body while my jaws in its neck.

To my surprise, I notice the wolves did the same thing as soon as I did. I put the deer out of its misery and the other wolves did the same. I detached my jaws from my preys neck and looked at the other wolves as they mimicked my movement.

I decided to just take my meal to go. I lifted it up and headed to the little safe spot I found.

Once there the wolves were still on my tail.

Why the hell are they following me?

I decided to ask my wolf who by the way hasn't said a word since the border.

Are you seriously gonna ignore me?

Fine, I'll deal with it myself.

I left my catch there and went to find my bag of clothes that I hid so I can confront them. Once I was shifted and clothed I came back out to see both wolves not eating their catch but waiting for me.

"Shift" I commanded

They both shifted right there, I didn't actually think they would listen but okay. Twins! That's why they were so similar in color and wolf size. Damn were they some hot twins too. No!, snap out of it.

"What the hell do you think you're doing following me around? " I questioned crossing my arms over my chest.

They both bowed down for some reason. Then the white wolf was the one who answered my question.

"We have to protect you, your our Alpha"

"When the hell did I become your Alpha?" I questioned confusion clear on my face as I crossed my arms over my chest

"When you killed that rogue saving our lives and howled. We joined in meaning we accept you as our Alpha" brownie answered

"I am no one's Alpha," I said turning to go back to my dinner

"Please we don't have anywhere else to go and you're stronger than both of us," White pleaded taking a step closer to me

"And we need a leader. Your strong and brave we need you as our Alpha. You would make an amazing Alpha" brownie finished also stepping closer to me

This reminded me of what Aiden had said when I left

"Why I am not a leader" I responded truthfully

"You have Alpha blood in you. Whether you accept us or not we will follow you and protect you no matter what." Whitie said and looked towards brownie and he nodded in agreement before they both turned back to me.

So no matter what I say or do they won't leave me. So its either have two complete strangers following me around and risking their lives for me or I get to know them and make friends. Who knows maybe I can start a pack.

"Fuck," I said once I made up my mind

They both stared at me with hopeful looks on their faces before saying.

"So does that mean we are a pack now?"

"Yeah I guess so," I said sighing

As soon as those words left my mouth I was being tackled to the floor by two completely naked guys.

"Thank you so much you won't regret this Alpha." They said in unison.

"If you don't mind I would kinda like it if you guys get your naked ass's off me!" They quickly got off and I headed to my bag to get a knife knowing the ritual has to get done right away.

I cut the palm of my hand and hand the knife to whitie who doesn't hesitate to do the same. We then join hands and our blood mixes together as we say our lines. Which consisted of our promises to protect one another as Alpha and beta.

Then the process repeated for brownie, whose name happens to be Jordan while his brother's name is Jayden. Once the ritual was finished two new voices were added to my head as the mind link developed between me and my two bettas. The first step to starting a pack was to have land, so we shifted and ran around the area that was unclaimed and marked it for our pack. Once we finished that we enjoyed our first meal together as a pack.