Sike, she is mine now!

Chapter 22:

< Team 7 >

You can see a person lying down on the bed. He is critically injured and has a high fever.

A person is next to the patient with pink hair treating him. She uses [Healing Justu], and whenever she runs out of Chakra, she keeps wetting the towel and keeping it on his head.

Two people were standing behind her. Finally, one with war paint opened his mouth.

Kiba said: " So, Sakura, how is he doing?" Kiba was worried about his teammate, who recklessly tried to fight a Jonin as a genin. And His partner Akamaru gave a *bark* to agree.

Sakura put on the wet towel and turned to Kiba: " He is getting worse; I barely know any Medical Jutsu. I am doing the best I can, but he won't be able to make it. I even fed him a soldier pill to keep his body running."

The other person next to Kiba scowled and said: " He did it to himself. He is holding back everyone on the team. We should have left him. If it weren't for him, Kakashi-sensei wouldn't have gotten hurt. "

Sakura couldn't hold back and yelled at Sasuke: " SHUT IT! It was your fault this has happened. Sensei told us to stay back and guard Tazuna, but NOO! you decided to rush since you thought you could handle it and got captured, and cannon fodder 1 tried to save you, even sacrificing his own life."

Sakura's eyes were teary. She holds back anymore; she is clearly traumatized. She couldn't believe how bad Sasuke was behaving. She feels disgusted she had thought of dating him once.

Sasuke was grinding his teeth.

Sakura said: " How selfish of you. You always felt jealous of how Naruto has always beaten you, and now you want to show off? GROW UP!"

Kakashi waited outside to hear their discussion. He was proud of how Sakura had changed. She is training hard every day, and she even started Medical Jutsu since she noticed her almost perfect chakra control. But, on the other hand, Kakashi felt Sasuke growing darker and darker ever since he heard Naruto did many B-rank from the Hokage. Sasuke was the one who requested or, more like, ordered a B-rank mission, so Hokage gave a C-rank first. He doesn't know why Hokage told Sasuke about Naruto or why he accepted his request without punishing him for disrespecting him.

Kakashi was listing and decided it's getting more and more heated. So he decided to intervene before someone will say something they should say.

Kakashi came inside and said: " Alright, Alright. So my cute little students stop fighting. I have already requested reinforcements from Hokage-sama, and they should arrive at any minute… Oh, speak of the devil; they have arrived. Let's greet them."

Kakashi sensed four people waiting outside. After coming outside the house, he saw who the reinforcements were. Then he saw Naruto and thought: 'oh boy! Sasuke is not going to like this.'

Kurenai saw Kakashi coming outside, so she said: "Team 8 arrived for backup. Here is the Hokage's letter."

Kakashi read the contents and burned them, and said: " Good! We have an injured person inside. We have three days until an enemy comes back with reinforcements."

Kurenai heard that there was an injured person, so she turned to Naruto and nodded.

Naruto saw Kurenai looking at him, and then he understood she wanted me to treat him since she knew I was good in medical Jutsu.

Naruto then said: "Okay, sensei."

Then turned to Kakashi and said: " I am proficient in Medical Jutsu. So Please lead me toward the patient. Hinata will also follow me."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow and turned to Kureani to confirm what Naruto said. Kurenai confirmed him by nodding.

Kakashi then guided them inside the room.

When Naruto arrived, he saw two people standing and a girl taking care of the patient. Naruto was surprised when he saw Sakura doing [Healing Jutsu] since he knew Sakura had not learned until Tsunade accepted her as a student.

Sakura turned and saw who had come. When she saw Naruto, she smiled happily and said: *blush* "Hello Naruto-kun, are you our reinforcements? And How are you doing?"

Naruto looked at her stoic face and said, " I am doing well, Sakura-san, and thanks for asking. Yes, I am your reinforcement, and I am also here to treat the patient since I am proficient in Medical Jutsu. Moreover, Hinata-chan came to watch me treat him since it was the first time she would watch treating a serious patient."

When Sakura heard Hinata, her mood soured. Naruto then walked toward the patient and performed [Medical Style: Shindan], carefully probing the patient's problem. Naruto saw multiple broken bones with internal bleeding and a huge slash mark on his back.

Naruto then performed a series of Jutsu such as [ Medical Style: Hone Chiyu no Jutsu] to heal broken or fractured bones. [ Medical Style: Advanced Healing hand Jutsu] This is a better version of standard healing hands, but it produces a small bubble with a high concentration of medical Chakra. Then used it to treat his internal bleeding. Finally used [Mystical Plams Jutsu] to heal any hidden injuries and stop bleeding. Then to cover him up, he used [ Medical Style: Gantai no Jutsu] for temporary bandages by converting objects nearby such as grass or sand.

Everyone was astonished nearby when they watched Naruto perform. Even Kakashi never watched anyone with this much amount of skill other than Tsunade.

Kurenai and Hinata looked proud, as looking at their son, who achieved the first rank in the class.

Naruto said: " He is out of danger. He just needs to eat and rest a lot. Hinata or I will periodically check on him."

Sasuke glared at him; he looked like he could explode any minute. Finally, he couldn't help it anymore, so he left.

Kakashi signed, looking at leaving Sasuke. However, he knows at some point in time, either he needs to have a serious talk with him or the Hokage about his reckless behavior.

Kurenai could already guess why he left, but she didn't feel bad since Sasuke was not her student.

Kiba looked at Hinata and started shivering, remembering his proposals and her torturing him with lightning chakra.

After that, Everyone sat down for dinner.

Tsunami walked and served them dinner. She then said:" I will be going to the market. Can someone accompany me~?"

Kakashi looked at everyone and said: " I need to train my students tomorrow, and Hinata will watch Cannon fodder 1. Shino can stay here and send his insects around for spying, leaving Naruto. Since he is the strongest genin here, he will accompany you. Does that sound good, Kurenai and Naruto?"

Kurenai looked at Naruto for confirmation, and Naruto shrugged, indicating he didn't mind.

Kakashi smiled and said: " Good! We will follow this plan every day and take turns staying at night."

Naruto interfered and said: " I am a sensor. I can leave my shadow clone every day and don't worry about getting headaches since I have done it many times". So yes, Naruto used wood clones, transformed them into insects, and spread them around his forest for surveillance.

Kakashi was elated after hearing Naruto, so he quickly agreed.

At night Naruto's shadow clone summoned [Wood Style: Wood clone Jutsu], then the wood clone used [Kaguya Mind's Eye] located Gato, then used[Kamui] and disappeared.

< Wood Clone >

Wood clone arrived at the edge of the village near a mansion. He sunk inside and found Gato sleeping with multiple women.

The wooden clone cast a sealing barrier and [Genjutsu: Sleep] by using sound on women, then came near Gato, opened his eye, cast [ Genjutsu: Binding], and teleported him into his dimension.

Gato opened his eyes and panicked since he couldn't move. Then, he looked at Naruto and started crying.

The Naruto Wood Clone then looked at Gato and said: "Yes, Yes! I know what you wanted to say. 'Who are you or like I can give you money or pay double please spare me blah blah.' I am sorry, but I need your company."

Naruto summoned his chain and killed him. Then, he devoured his soul and read his memories.

After reading the memories, The Wood Clone summoned another [Wood Style: Wood clone] and then applied seals to transform into Gato.

Old Wood Clone said, " Don't kill the whores; people will be suspicious if Gato killed his favorite toys. So tell them to leave or die. I don't want memories of you messing with these sluts."

The new Gato clone nodded; he has memories of Gato, so he is now the new Gato.

The wooden clone disappeared to inform the success of the mission.

Gato Clone went back and removed the Genjutsu placed on the women and told them to leave and never come back. He then opened his checkbook and signed all the empty check pages, and left it back in the dimensional house for Naruto.

Gato is now no more.

Naruto first wanted to kill Zabuza, but after remembering Haku's potential and bloodline, he decided to 'Gato' to kill Zabuza, and Naruto will appear around Haku to 'guide' him.

Gato called his subordinates Zori and Waraji and killed them. Then summoned two [Wood style: Wood Clone] to replace them. So now he has someone to do his dirty work without exposing himself.

The two Wood Clones changed to his subordinates, Zori and Waraji. Zori Clone left to kill Zabuza.

< Naruto>

Naruto left and went to where Haku always gathered berries to meet her.

[A/N: Now Haku is a she. I don't know if she will be in the harem or not, but she will be with Naruto as his 'bodyguard.'/minion. I will add her if she gets more votes, and don't forget to go to the harem poll to vote your favorites]

After arriving, he lay down on the ground and started waiting for her since he had already sensed her walking towards his way, and from the clone's memories, Zori should be on his way to kill Zabuza.

When Haku arrived and saw a handsome kid lying down on the grass. She was surprised at his hair and face since he was so handsome.

( He is a 12 year and almost 13, and he trained a lot in weights and with high vitality and good nutrition; he looks like a 15yr kid.)

She went to take a closer look to see if he was okay but was taken back when she heard him say

Naruto said: " If you keep staring, you will make me blush."

Naruto then opened his eyes and stared at Haku. He also noticed Haku is a girl, which is different from cannon.

Haku *blushed* and said: "Sor..ry. * Ahem* I was on my way to pick berries and some herbs, but you were lying down. So I came close to check if you are alright."

Naruto *chuckled* and said: "Okay, A beautiful girl shouldn't be alone at night. Come, I will come to help you pick berries. I am bored."

Naruto helped her pick some berries and asked why and for who? When she was picking herbs. She replied her father got hurt by bandits.

Naruto chose this chance and said: " I am a medical ninja. I work in a hospital in Grass village. I came to visit my grandma, who had passed away. So let me help you, and it's free since you helped me take my mind off my grandma's death."

Haku hesitated, but Zabuza was also getting serious. She finally accepted his help since Naruto seemed nice and also said he was a medical ninja. She could deal with him if he lied.

Naruto and Haku talked a lot on their way. When Haku came near her hut, she sensed something wrong. She can't sense her master's Chakra. So she rushed inside and saw Zabuza lying down. She went and checked his pulse, but she couldn't find anything. She forgot Naruto was next to her and started crying.

Haku called: " MASTER! Master, wake up *Hic* come on, I don't have anyone * sniff* wake up, master."

Haku then laid her head on Zabuza's chest and started crying. Haku always treated Zabuza as her father, though she always says he is her master and she is just a tool.

Naruto thought: '*Oof* everything went smoothly. Good that Zori Clone killed him without leaving any evidence so that Haku won't find any of my involvement in the future."

Naruto came and put his hands on her shoulders, which caused her to look at him with puffy red cheeks and a teary face. Naruto then said: " I am sorry for your loss Haku. He passed away freely with a smile (Zori Clone made it). If he loved you, I am sure he would have wanted you to move on and not be depressed."

Haku wiped her tears and said: " I am sorry, Naruto, for showing that. Thank you for saying that. I am a tool; I am used to being used by others. Now my master is dead. I don't know what to do."

Naruto said: " How about you come with me? I am sorry I lied and said I work at the hospital, but I am actually a ninja from Konoha. I didn't lie when I said I could heal your father because I am an experienced medical shinobi. I hope you don't mind."

Haku was surprised by what Naruto said; she guessed he probably came here to treat the ones her master injured. She didn't want to tell him because Naruto might attack her, but he was also her friend, so she spilled everything.

[A/N: In most anime, you talk to someone, they immediately become your best friend who will sacrifice everything for you. It's funny how anime friendships work.]

Haku sadly said: " You probably came here to heal your injured friend. My master here is Zabuza, The Demon of the Mist. He was the one who injured our friend. I am sorry, I won't do anything if you want to leave me or kill me. I have no one anymore."

Haku, who was expecting a shout of pain, was surprised when Naruto hugged her.

Naruto hugged her and said: " Don't worry, you didn't injure him, and even if you did, you just followed his orders. I have already treated him, and I know how you wouldn't want to hurt him. However, you are my friend, so I will forgive you. Please don't say anything to my teammates, though. I will just say something to convince them to follow us."

Haku smiled at how nice Naruto was and vowed: 'you are such a good person. From now on, I will follow you to hell.'

Haku and Naruto sat down and talked and buried Haku's former master. Haku then gifted Naruto Zabuza's sword.

In the morning, Naruto took her to meet her teammates.

When everyone saw Naruto with a girl, they looked at him questioningly.

Naruto said: " Yo guys, this is Haku Yuki. I met her on many of my B-rank missions. She was a bounty hunter; she is not retired now. She is very talented and has an Ice Style bloodline. So I thought of her bringing her back to Konoha, and don't worry, I will talk to Hokage-Jiji."

Kakashi and Kurenai agreed and trusted me enough to take care of her until she met the Hokage.

Naruto then introduced everyone in his team.

Naruto: " Haku, this is my team."

Naruto pointed at Kurenai and said

" This is my beautiful sensei, Kurenai Yuhi."

" The silent one with the glass is Shino Aburame."

" Last but not least, my gorgeous girlfriend Hinata Hyuga," Hinata blushed after his introduction.

When Haku heard Naruto had a girlfriend, she was sad, but she guessed since such a handsome boy would already have a girlfriend. So she didn't care as long as she served him.

Hinata and Kurenai noticed her disappointment,

Hinata thought: ' Is Naruto interested in her? I need to test her if she is worthy.'

And Kurenai thought: ' As expected, if Naruto was a few years older and I am a few years younger, I would have to fallen in love with him…Tch.. too bad.'

After the introduction, Hinata and Haku started talking. After that, Kakashi started training his students in chakra control. Sakura already knew since she practiced medical Jutsu. His clan already taught Kiba. Sasuke was taught by his father. Only leaving cannon fodder 1 who was laying the bed.

Naruto used [Shadow Clone] and then used [Kamui]. When he arrived, he saw a bloody person tied down.

Zabuza: " Brat... Who are you, and where am I?"

Naruto already guessed when he felt Zabuza, his clone.

Naruto then smiled and said: " Nothing personal, don't worry, I will 'take' care of Haku. I already substituted a clone. She was devastated when she saw your clone died but don't worry, I consoled her, and now she is mine."

Naruto summoned his chains and pierced Zabuza's hearth consuming his soul with memories.

Naruto gained a lot, the Jutsu from Mist village and some information on Mist village.