Start of the Uzumaki Clan!!

They waited for a week and were surprised that there was no Zubazu or his reinforcements.

While Naruto helped everyone with his shadow clone and earing his name as a bridge which further caused Sasuke to be more jealous.

While on the way, Naruto was thinking a lot about his future plans.

Naruto thought:

' Next main even is the chunin exam and that when overpowered, people will start popping from nowhere. I need to be stronger, and my powers are

1. My eyes: I can stop Time about 5 seconds which can be upgradable. I can become intangible and teleport anywhere I want. Unlike Obito, I don't have a cooldown

2. My [Eight Inner Gate] are opened until [4th gate: Gate of Pain]. So I have almost unlimited stamina, which recovers instantly whenever I stop. My full speed can't be seen even with a Sharingan.

3. I have Kuruam. Since I combined Ying and Yang Kuruam, I am now a Perfect Jinchurikin.

4. I can summon Shinigami to seal anything with the trade of souls.

5. For the main Jutsu, I have [Godspeed], [Chidori], and [Rasengan]; I can make wind and lightning Rasengan.

6. My sealing Chains can absorb Chakra or souls to increase my strength.

How can I get stronger um…

1. A perfect Tentails seed is waiting with Isshiki or Jigen, a vessel. He is currently weak but still strong enough to whop my ass. I can use power to deny, but I won't use it until the cooldown is at least 5.

2. Harishimaru cells are with Danzo and Orochimaru.

3. Somehow, awaken Ashura chakra without Hogoromo.

4. Get Hamura Otsutsuki's Tenseigan which is currently in possession of Toneri on the moon. I am nowhere powerful enough to mess with him.

5. Get Rinnegan. I can either absorb Indra's Chakra in Sasuke with my chains or absorb the Sage of Six Paths.

How to increase my own image?

1. I can use Wood Style in the Chunin exam. I will use it to gain villages' favor.

2. How the hell do I make Tsuande close to me? I have no [Talk no Jutsu]. How do I get rid of her blood phobia without making her hate me? How can I convince her to become Hokage? If I expose Hiruzen and the corrupt counsel with the documents. If she finds them, she will hate the village even more. Achhhh….'

Suddenly Naruto heard a huge slap sound and a yell...

Naruto turned around and saw Sasuke coming out of Haku's tent with a handprint on his face.

So Naruto got up and went toward Haku's tent. When he came inside, he saw Haku with an angry face. However, when Haku saw Naruto, she smiled and greeted him.

Naruto asked: "So what is that about?" Pointing Sasuke back, who was leaving with a head down.

< Flash Back >

Haku, who was sitting in her tent reading a book, sensed someone coming in, so she looked and saw a handsome boy with black hair and black eyes. His body posture, facial expression, and the air around him seem to scream arrogant and emo. Which makes people have a terrible impression of him.

But Haku was a nice girl, so she smiled and asked: " So what can I help you with?"

Sasuke, who saw the smile, couldn't help but *blush* and say quietly: " I want you to get to know you and hope to talk a walk with you to speak privately."

It was barely hearable to a trained ninja, so Haku replied: " Sorry, I can't hear you. Can you say it again"

Sasuke, as expected, got embarrassed more and turned to tsundere and said:" I WILL GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO JOIN UCHIHA CLAN IF YOU BEAR MY CHILD." After saying that, Sasuke realized he had messed up. He turned pale.

Haku, who heard what he said, turned furious, slapped him, and yelled even louder: " GET OUT, OR I WILL MAKE YOU."

Sasuke, who was slapped and yelled at by his first crush, made him sad, so he left.

< Flash Black end >

When Naruto and everyone who gathered after Naruto came heard, Haku said and laughed, while some giggled.

Kurenai and Hinata had an apologetic smile and signed since they already knew Haku has a crush on Naruto.

Naruto thought: 'Oh, he got his first crush? Too bad Haku is already interested in someone.'

Naruto is not a typical beta male or dense protagonist. Throughout the journey, Haku sunk many glances at Naruto. Her eyes were just like Hinata in cannon.

Naruto is not shy enough to sense her emotions. Nauto kept an eye on her emotions throughout the journey since he still doesn't trust her fully. Naruto found out that Haku had a crush on him, but he didn't say it since he was not interested in her. Probably not soon since he always thought of her as a man, so it will take some time for Naruto to get used to her being a girl.

They reached the next day. First, Kurenai and Kakashi went to report, and Naruto took Haku to his house.

After reaching his house, Naruto was greeted with a bear hug by Mikoto.

Mikoto sensed a familiar chakra coming, so she left everything and rushed to the door. She saw Naruto and hugged him. She missed him a lot.

Unconsciously, Mikoto started depending on Naruto a lot. After being supposed to be 'betrayal' by her family, her mental support shifted to Naruto. Of course, a physiatrist might say it is not a good thing, but who cares? Naruto sure doesn't. Hell, he likes it.

Mikoto didn't see Haku coming behind first, so she was surprised when she saw Haku.

Mikoto turned mischievous and said; ~Ara ~Ara, not a year has it been since you got another girlfriend? You didn't even inform the Hokage to put yourself in CRA yet, Hmm~."

Haku, who just heard what Mikoto said first, blushed then looked towards Naruto with her hope reignited after hearing the last part.

Naruto knew something about Mikoto's nature. She is mainly reminded of Shuri Himejima, the mother of Akeno Himejima.

When Naruto sensed intense emotions from Haku behind him, he could only say one thing "troublesome."

Mikoto chukled at Naruto. Naruto then introduced each other and told her she would be living with them from now on.

Mikoto then said: " Good. I am getting bored living alone whenever you leave. Will she be a shinobi?"

Naruto answered: " No, she will be a civilian for some time to get used to this village."

Then sometime later, Naruto was called to the Hokage's office by an Anbu. Naruto then nodded and left Haku and Mikoto with a [Wood Style: Wood Clone] behind.

Naruto reached the Hokage, and he saw Hokage buried in paperwork.

Hokage turned to Naruto and said: " Hello Naruto, I heard of your medical skills. Therefore, I have decided to put in the medical department part-time. I have heard you brought a new Kunoichi?"

Naruto then *pout* and said: " Jiji, you really giving me more work? Fine! But I want to be the head of the medical department after an examination."

Hokage chucked and said: " Alright, I will examine during this week."

Naruto smiled and said: " Okay, Jiji. I want to put myself in CRA."

Hokage suddenly started to cough. He banged his head several times on how to convince Naruto in CRA since a genius shinobi with Uzumaki blood is definitely needed. Now Naruto himself asked him.

Hokage coughed and said: " *Ahem* Naruto? So why do you want to put yourself in Clan Restoration Act?"

Naruto then replied: " I read about the Uzumaki clan. I have awakened special chains; They can absorb Chakra temporarily and boost me. They could even seal someone by tieing them. I wanted to contribute to the village somehow, and bringing back my Clan to Konoha seemed the right choice. I didn't like how they lived alone; I wanted to make the Uzumaki Konoha's Clan," said ambitiously and righteously.

Hokage was proud of his pawn *Ahem* grandson. However, he is surprised by how strongly he believes in the Will Of Fire. He further made up his mind not to let Naruto join root.

Hiruzen has been defending Naruto since he joined the academy. Anbu always scouts academy for talented children. The root even approached Shino when he was just ten years old. When root found how talented Naruto was, Danzo sent over dozen root agents to either kidnap him or get him to join. Hiruzen has already disbanded root after the Uchiha massacre, and whenever Hirizen question Danzo, he says he doesn't know anything.

[A/N: I was surprised root actually approached Shino but was declined but probably couldn't do anything since he was a clan heir.]

Coming back to Naruto. Hiruzen looked at Naruto and said: " Okay, meet me tomorrow. I will hold a clan meeting, and after you become a Chunin or reach 18, I will let you become the Clan's head."

Naruto denied it and said: " Please, Jiji, I don't want to wait so long. I want to cool and become a clan head now!!!"

Hokage signed and said: " Okay, I will make it an exception with my power. But an Anbu or an adult will need to be there with you consulting."

Naruto nodded happily and said: " Okay, I already have someone. Mikoto will be my proxy. I have already performed eye surgery, and as a former Clan Pratiache wife, she has enough experience. "

Hiruzen already guessed, and he didn't mind, so he nodded.

Hiruzen then asked: " SO what about the new girl you brought? Will she be in CRA?"

Naruto replied: "Yes, She can control Ice. She is very talented. She can go head to head with Sasuke without his Sharingan. However, for now, she will be joining as a civilian since she needs to form a bond with the village. She will have protection from Uzumaki Clan and also will be put in CRA for me."

What Naruto said about bond was pure bullshit. Naruto said yes, but he hadn't decided yet. Haku is a girl with a Yuki Clan bloodline, and she needs protection from the corrupt council. And also, Sasuke took notice of her, and he will definitely ask them for a proposal.

Hokage was happy because she had a bloodline from Yuki Clan, then nodded. After that, Naruto left and went back to his house.

Tomorrow Naruto got ready for the Clan's meeting with Mikoto. After arriving, Naruto noticed one side of the shinobi clan members, and on the other side were the civilian council members.

Naruto and Mikoto bowed to the Hokage after entering.

Hokage smiled and said: " Good you came on time. Sit here."

Then turned to everyone and said, " Today, we will be talking about a request of making Uzumaki a clan from Naruto."

As expected civilian council went nuts. One got enough courage to yell:

" This demon brat doesn't need more power. That woman Mikoto needs to be put in CRA."

After hearing, Naruto released a massive killing intent, enough to shake a Kage.

Naruto: " It's a shinobi council matter. You, a civilian counsel, are not needed here, AND she is my FAMILY. Don't you dare say that again"

Mikoto, next to him, was protected by Naruto. She smiled warmly at Naruto.

Naruto had killed and hunted many people, a hundred if not thousands, in 4 years. If he wanted, he could use Kuruam's killing intent which to enough to cause them trauma and brain damage.

Hiruzen immediately released his own killing intent countering Naruto's.

Everyone was surprised at Naruto's killing intent. The Clan heads were sweating. Haishi, the Clan head of Hyuga, looked proud at his future son-in-law.

Hokage then said: "Anbu take him to the IT Department and give him to Ibiki for releasing S-rank secret. "

Then he turned towards to Civilian council and said: "As Naruto said, you are not needed. I didn't even call you to the meeting. I have only called Shinobi members."

( IT = Interrrogation and Torture)

The council members were scared but still kept an arrogant expression and left.

Naruto then turned to clan members, bowed his head, and said: " I am sorry, everyone, for losing my control. I treat Mikoto as a family."

Mikoto almost had tears coming from her eyes. She will remember this moment for the rest of her life.

All Clan members didn't mind since they would react like that. Tsume, the mother of Kiba and Hina and the Inuzuka clan's head, said:

" HAA! WELL SAID PUP, and I always wanted to punch them in the face. They are always so smug and arrogant."

Hiruzen then said: "It's okay, Naruto, but be careful to keep your temper in the future since you will have to attend the meetings as a clan head and meet them many times. Now coming back to the topic, raise your hand if you support this."

Haishi raised his hand first, then the Nara clan raised since Shikaku met many times when Naruto came to this house. Then everyone raised their hands.

Hokage looked at everyone and said: " Good with my power of Hokage, I will appoint Naruto as Uzumaki Clan head, and Mikoto as his poxy until he becomes a Chunin or turns 18."

Naruto then looked at everyone and said: " Thank you for giving me this chance, everyone, and I will make sure to make Konoha flourish. I have already talked to some builders and gathered enough money for a clan compound. Hokage-sama, can I take the old Uchiha spot since they moved outside the village? Of course, I will but it."

The old Uchiha place is perfect for him since it's the center of Konoha but also isolated at the same time, and it's massive.

He can use Gato to order builders and use his money.

Hokage then nodded then everyone talked about other things.

< Time skip a few months >

Team 8, who had just finished their team-building workout, decided to rest.

Many things changed during this month,

The relationship between Mikoto and me got closer; she is more affectionate and doesn't shy away from physical touches, such as a kiss on the cheek or a hug.

Haku and Mikoto got closer. Haku no longer refers Naruto as Naruto-sama. She now refers to him as Naruto-kun.

The construction started, and Naruto used his modern knowledge to build a huge Japanese mansion that makes every other clan compound pale in comparison. It has a small lake in the backyard and many Sakura trees around it.

As you guessed, Sasuke was pissed when he heard Naruto bought out Uchiha's old compound inside the center of the village before they moved to the outskirts.

Sasuke couldn't pick up girls, so he used the council members for help to get Haku, but they were denied firmly by Hokage.

Hokage realized Naruto's worth after meeting him many times during the clan meetings. So he got even happier when Naruto showed his [Swift Release].

Since then, Naruto started gaining political power, and Naruto attended many clan meetings. He is from the earth, so he used many ideas to make Konoha better, like building water pipes underground or making small changes in the academy. Of course, he didn't say everything since starting from a small dosage is always good for making people addicted.

After traveling for many months, he finally found A Lion Summoning Scroll. After signing, Nori now went to train with them. First, however, the lions were very proud, so he had to beat them to accept him.

He always keeps in touch with Kushina and goes into his mindscape whenever he is free to talk to them.

Kurenai has become closer to Naruto. Kurenai trained a lot. She is now a strong Elite Jonin, and only Kakashi and Gai can beat her in the Jonin circle. Naruto inspired her, and he helped her with Genjutsu a lot. She told him about a girl who awakened the Kuruma clan's bloodline when he said he could absorb Chakra or seal something.

< Flash Back >

In Kuruam Clan's compound. Naruto and Kurenai are sitting in front of Marakumo Kuruam, the head of the Clan and Yakumo Kurama's father.

Marakumo looked seriously at Naruto and said: "Is what you are saying true, Naruto-san and Kurenai-san?"

Naruto nodded, unleashed his chains, pointed one, and said: " Touch it; you will notice you are losing Chakra. I can absorb Chakra temporarily. Your daughter looks like she has a weak body and excess Yin Chakra. I can absorb the excess Yin Chakra and make her better."

Marakumo was elated. He heard about prodigy Naruto many times. He even visited Clan's meeting and saw how smart he was. He then nodded and said to follow. So Marakumo took him into a private room, and a kid was lying down on the bed.

Naruto nodded and looked at Yakumo, who opened her eyes.

Marakumo put his hand on his daughter's head and said: " Sweety, they are here to help you get better."

Yakumo looked at Naruto with hope and said, " Can you really heal me, Onii-san? Please help me."

Naruto slowly released his chain, tied her hand, and started absorbing her Yin Chakra. He even stored the unique Kuruam Clan's Chakra for future use.

After sometimes Yakumo's pale face got better, and she slept peacefully.

Naruto looked at Marakumo and said: " She will get better. She can walk after she wakes up. I will come once a week to absorb her Chakra. It needed to happen until her body gets stronger, and looking at her weak body and age. It will take many years, so I will personally train her. In return to gain your support in the future."

Marakumo couldn't hold back his tears and said: " You are our honorable guest from now on. Thank you for helping my baby daughter." He bowed.

Naruto was getting uncomfortable seeing a grown man cry, so he thanked him and left with Kurenai.

After getting home, he went to his [Kamui] dimension to assimilate the Yin Chakra. After he absorbs his talent in, Genjutsu could finally have no rival. Naruto's Yin Chakra went through the roof with the constant supply of huge Yin Chakra. After that, he will be like Aizen.

< Flashback ends >

At the training grounds.

Kurenai came to her tired student and said: " I have put you in the upcoming Chunin exam next week. I have also done a favor by applying everyone."

Everyone nodded their head with excitement.

Naruto thought: 'it's time for me to shine now.'