The Greatest Emo - 50

Towering everyone from above, Pein looked at them and said, "I will show you what pain is, and those who don't understand true pain can never understand true peace."

"Feel pain, know pain, accept pain {Shinra Tensei}, from the crimes you have committed against Pein." As he finished casting the Jutsu, a strong repulsive field went toward Konoha, planning to crush everything.

Pein narrowed his eyes after looking at the effect his Jutsu had. Instead of crushing everything, {Shinra Tensei} disappeared, leaving everything the same as before.

'How is it possible? Only I can manipulate those invisible fields. This is the first time it didn't work.' Pein thought.

Deciding to try again, he opened his mouth and was about to say. "{Shin-}."

"That's enough of your tricks, and you won't be able to do that again," A loud voice attracted his attention.

Pein wanted to see who spoke against him and looked down.

Seeing the smirk on the red-haired man, he looked around and noticed that nobody was there because all the civilians had been evacuated.

Pein was confused since he had been in the sky this whole time and didn't notice anything suspicious.

After realizing that he had been in a Genjutsu this entire time, he raised his guard, thinking about who could cast a Genjutsu on him that the genius Itachi himself couldn't accomplish.

"Was it you that cast the Genjutsu on me? Interesting. I didn't hear your Genjutsu prowess anywhere before. To think you have incredible talent in Genjutsu." Pein said.

Naruto cast an illusion on the entire Konoha, making it seem nothing is ordinary. Then, he evacuated all villages and cannon fodders when Pein was on Genjutsu.

Listening to Pein complimenting him, he smiled and said. "What do you want, Pein, or should I say Nagato?"

Hearing his old name, Nagato, Pein's entire body shook.

' I obviously killed Jiraiya and his messenger frog, so how did Naruto get the information? I will find it anyway in the end.' Pein, though suspiciously.

Replying to Naruto, Pein said, "I don't know how you know my name, but I will find it out. You all think of yourselves as the main forces of this world? Then push the death of your thoughts. Hatred is what connects this cause and effect. Akatsuki is now declaring war on Konoha, so prepare to get crushed."

Naruto laughed, listening to what Pein said. "Haha… What Akatsuki? There is no one in that organization. I have cleaned all the members. Kakazu, Hidan, Sasori, Deidara are all killed. Itachi and Kisame were my spies." Revealing his plans.

When Pein interrogated Kisame, he only found out whom he worked for, and other than that, there was nothing. Pein obviously turned furious after finding out that Itachi and Kisame were spies, so he tried to kill them, but sadly Itachi escaped, leaving Kisame to get killed.

Deciding that he had wasted enough time, Pein summoned all his six paths and decided to attack.

Naruto was not worried since he alone could destroy everyone alive on the planet.

He saw, instead of his previous Six Paths, Nagato turned the bodies of Jinchuriki into his Six Paths.

"Kuroi, I will leave the command to you," Naruto said out loud.

Suddenly, a shadow came out of Naruto's shadow and ran away. Soon many other shadows followed it from the shadows nearby.

Pein narrowed his eyes, looking at the weird shadows moving around. Then, closing his eyes, he opened them again with a "*Boom**Boom**Boom*."

Many creatures suddenly summoned, crushing all the buildings.

"Well, I guess it's time for Nori to shine {Giant Summoning Jutsu}."

"ROARRR!!!" A golden lion came from a summoning seal, with two others following it.

The lion was massive for its size, towering over everything else. It roared with excitement, looking around.

It then looked at Naruto and said, "Master! Is it finally time for me to fight?"

Naruto chuckled at his enthusiasm and said, "Yes, Nori. You see those creatures? You need to fight while trying to protect the villages."

Giving another roar, it ran towards the creatures who were destroying all Konoha.

Naruto also summoned many lions from the Lion Clan. While they may not be as powerful as Nori, they can still be strong enough to hold them for a long time.

Turning to Pein, Naruto said, "Let us see what you got, Nagato!"

Appearing in front of him, Naruto kicked him away, making him flee from the village.

"I will leave the village to you," Naruto said to the group behind him.

"HAI! Naruto-sama/Naruto-kun," Many ninjas have said.

┏ Kuroi POV ┓

'Troublesome,' I thought, looking at the destruction the summons is causing.

Did he not say to protect the village? So then, why are the enormous lions destroying more than the enemy creatures?

'What a drag,' I again started complaining. I shouldn't have accepted the position of vice commander. But instead, I got too greedy for the benefits and sacrificed my free time.

A weird shadow came towards me, touching him, I saw Naruto following the orange-haired person he had just kicked.

Let me find Tsunade and inform her that no civilians are present, from my shadows telling me.

Finding Tsunade and seeing her busy, I thought of helping but soon gave up the idea since I know she is Naruto's fiancé, and she should be strong enough.

⪼ At Naruto ⪻

As Naruto arrived at the crash site, he saw Pein slowly standing up from the creator he had made.

Two black rods appeared in Pein's hands. He threw it towards Naruto and used {Banshō Ten'in} to pull Naruto toward his chakra rod.

As expected, Naruto was not moving an inch. Instead, Naruto simply dodged the incoming chakra rods.

"So it was you who caused my Deva Path to fail?" Pein asked.

Dark smoke started coming from Naruto. Pein felt sinister and veiled from Naruto.

"Hiss… It's been a while since I have used this chakra. Do not disappoint me, Nagato." Then, turning into a blade, Naruto launched it toward Pein.

Pein summoned Preta Path to absorb the attack, but instead of the attack disappearing, it sliced Preta Path in half.

Pein's eyes widened, looking at the scene, and he knew that Preta Path could absorb chakra in any form.

Seeing his face, Naruto responded, "*chuckle* it's a special kind of chakra… I wouldn't underestimate it."

Pein then summoned all the other Paths to fight Naruto, leaving only the Animal Path and Human Path in Konoha. He sensed that Naruto shouldn't be underestimated. Thinking he would have many other tricks like the dark power.

Asura's path came forward and launched missiles toward Naruto. The dark chakra manifested into a thin barrier, defending all the missiles impacted.

Naraka Path summoned the King of Hell this time and restored Preta Path.

Deciding that their attacks might not work, all three paths rushed forwards to deal with him in close combat.

When they came close, Naruto used the {Darkness Wave} which unleashed a wave of dark chakra to push Naraka Path away.

Seeing Asura Path and Preta Path close, Naruto used {Shadow Arms} which created multiple arms from dark chakra and held them together.

Naruto raised his hand {Dust Release} which formed a white cube. Aiming towards the two Paths tied by his shadow hands, he released the cube at them. When the cube made contact, it expanded, making the two Paths disappear into dust.

Naraka Path saw the other two paths disappear. He summoned the King of Hell to make one last push.

Two arms came forward from the massive creature's mouth and rushed towards Naruto.

{Sunfire: Beam of Sun} releases a beam of fire burning the hands and the mouth.

When the mouth was caught on fire, it screamed and disappeared. The beam pushed forward and burned the Naraka Path behind the King of hell.

"I will never forget the pain that Yahiko has suffered, and this world shall know Pein. {Chibaku Tensei}" Pein said as he unleashed all the rocks toward Naruto to crush him inside.

While fighting, Naruto already noticed that Pein was going to use {Chibaku Tensei}, seeing all the rocks flying in the sky and turning into a giant ball.

The ball was so big that it resembled a tiny moon, and the shadow of the ball almost covered hundreds of meters around Naruto.

"Let me show you how it's done… {Shinra Tensei}."

⪼ Konoha ⪻

The fight was not far from Konoha since Naruto wanted everyone to see his power.

"LOOK! It's moving," said a random fodder.

Since the fight was not far from Konoha, many saw a large ball forming in the sky.

Pein summoned all the paths leaving Animal Path and Human Path, so it was easy dealing with them.

As Karin mostly trapped them with her chains, which blocked chakra like Naruto.

Many civilians came from their shelters. They felt the ground shaking many times, so they came out when they sensed silence.

Seeing the giant rock in the sky near Konoha, many filled with despair.

"*BOOM*" The ball suddenly broke into many pieces.

Closing their eyes in despair, they waited for their doom. When many opened their eyes, instead of feeling pain, they saw a giant wooden dome covering all of them.

⪼ Tsunade ⪻

Tsunade saw the giant rock in the sky.

"Tsunade, do you think Naruto-kun will be fine?" Kushina next to her said. While she trusted Naruto, she couldn't help but worry about him.

"I am sure Naruto-sama would be fine. He is the strongest." While it sounded like encouragement, Haku was trying to convince herself.

Seeing the ball break and many pieces coming towards the village. Karin yelled, "They are going to hit us!"

Tsunade saw it was getting more hectic and replied, "Don't worry. {Wood Release: Magnificent Wood Dome of Everlasting Trees}."

┏ Konan POV ┓

"Cough" Lying down on the ground coughing blood, I couldn't help but remember how it led to this.

I couldn't stop my love Yahiko from dying, and I couldn't stop Pain, who I felt like my own brother, from attacking Konoha and dying.

╔ Flashback ╗

Pein started coughing blood, and the life in his eyes was slowly diminishing.

"Nagato… are you feeling alright?" I asked.

Nagato looked at me and said, "Do I look like I am fine?"

He changed when Yahiko was killed. We had a sibling bond previously, but now he slowly turned into a twisted man.

Our organization was first formed to help the village and later turned into world peace, but now we look like a terrorist group who took the lives of a lot of innocents.

"*Cough*" Pein coughed blood again.

"NAGATO!" I screamed.

I saw him slowly fall to the ground, withering away. I never did stop loving him, even going against our beliefs.

My attention was taken away when I heard the sound of tearing behind me.

When I saw who it was, my heart sped up. My eyes shined a little.

"So he was Killua all along?" Pein questioned me.

Pein had seen many times Konan behaving like this around Killua. So he had many suspicions that Killua might be someone else.

Konan looked at Pein and nodded her head with sadness. While she had feelings for Killua, it wasn't as strong as love.

Nagato closed his eyes and said, "You too, Konan."

Naruto sees this scene, reminding him of Brutus betraying Caesar.

As I tried to explain, Naruto beat me to it.

"Do not worry, and she didn't betray you… Of course, I wanted her to, but she was a strong woman." Naruto explained.

Pein felt Naruto didn't need to lie, so he replied, "I am glad. So are you going to kill me, Naruto?"

Naruto shook his head and said, "Nah! I can see you are already dying. I came here for Konan. I want her to leave Akatsuki and come to me."

Konan shook her head and said, "I am sorry, I won't leave Nagato or the Akatsuki, even if I am the only member."

Naruto suddenly felt a tinge of jealousy. As Killua, he realized that Konan still had feelings for Yahiko, so hearing her show more importance to his dream caused Naruto to feel jealous.

Naruto sadly replied, "You still love him, don't you?".

I didn't answer, but my silence answered Naruto's question. Seeing his face turn into pain saddened me a lot.

"So you are the person Jiraiya talked about? The reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths?..." He didn't specify, but Naruto knew that Pein guessed I have {Rinnegan} too.

Naruto didn't reply and asked, "Konan... He is dying. Do not trust Obito, and his motives are not true. So follow me, and I will remove all the pain."

Tears started coming from my eyes. I shook my head, finally giving my answer.

Naruto's eyes lost their shine. He nodded and left with a piece of last advice.

" Those are not his… they were implanted." Then disappeared, leaving a flash.

╚ Flashback -Ends ╝

When Naruto left, Obito found the location from Zetsu, who was spying on us.

I tried to protect Nagato's body, but Obito used {Izanagi} to save himself from my Jutsu.

After stabbing me, he collected Nagato's eyes and left.

Recalling Naruto, I couldn't help but regret without knowing why.

Sure, I was close to Killua, and him being Naruto's clone caused me to hate him. But I also liked him. The only reason I couldn't take the next step was because of Yahiko.

Remembering those days when life was difficult, it was at least simple. Promising each other that we would marry each other when we grow up.

'Yahiko… Narut-'

"Did you think I would leave you just because of that?"