The Five Kage Summit - 51

┏ Konan POV ┓

"Did you think I would leave you just because of that?" Naruto said, appearing in front of me.

While his voice was not the same as Killua's, unknowingly, I saw his face in him.

Naruto bent forward and said, "Bite me," raising his hand in front of my mouth.

I looked at him questionably, but seeing as he wasn't bugging, I decided to bite him in the forearm.

I felt euphoric. If I weren't injured, I would have moaned. Looking at Naruto, clicking his tongue in displeasure. I couldn't help but glare at him for wanting to see me make weird sounds.

Naruto saw Konan make an adorable expression, pulling her cheeks, he laughed and said, "I thought I was missing a chance of seeing you moan, but I did see an adorable expression."

Again I saw another glimpse of Killua in Naruto. Shaking my head, I noticed my injuries started healing, and after a few minutes, I was back to normal while feeling a little tired.

┏ Kaguya POV ┓

Seeing Naruto healing an enemy caused me a lot of confusion and a strange feeling.

"Why did you heal an enemy?" I asked with a strange tone.

Since today was a free day, I could see outside, sharing his senses.

Hearing Kaguya, Naruto thought, 'Am I sensing je-?'

"Well, I made a clone and sent it as a spy to her organization, and unknowingly I developed feelings for her. So I saved her." Naruto replied without blinking an eye.

Ha? Do you even hear yourself? That question caused me more questions. For example, how can you unknowingly develop feelings for an enemy while spying on them? But I kept those questions in my mind. Having spent a lot of time with Naruto, I noticed his tone and knew when to ask questions and when not to ask.

Even though I asked Naruto to let me see outside, I started hating the experience. After the world turned into something I always hated, I wanted the Shinobi world to become peaceful, not turn into a world where kids are turned into killers and killing is not frowned upon, as hypocritical as I sound.

The only reason I got interested was that I heard the person being called the reincarnation of Six Paths. Sadly, he was not. I know the only possible way of getting Rinnegan is through me or eating a chakra fruit.

After hearing that his eyes were implanted, I realized that there is someone with my son's chakra who might be their reincarnation.

I have already guessed that Naruto is the reincarnation of one of my sons or their offspring. However, unlike other {Rinnegan} Naruto's eyes are golden, which might be a mutation, but remembering many Otsutsuki members have golden {Rinnegan}, like Isshiki, I erased those thoughts.

But staying every day here started to bore me. I clearly got too comfortable since I was sealed in a void-like dimension where nothing existed. While I wouldn't say I liked how the Shinobi world had turned, even though I wanted to experience it myself.

"N-Naruto… is it possible for me to come outside and experience?" I asked.

"Sure," Naruto replied.

I was baffled. I was sure that he would decline. Wanted to see if I had misheard, I asked him again. Surprisingly, I got the same answer from him.

"H-how?" I asked with excitement.

"I have a vessel in my dimension… You can take it over temporarily."

This is the first time hearing him say that he has a dimension, but it was not surprising since many Otsutsukis have their own dimension, and Naruto, an Otsutsuki, also has a dimension.

Suddenly, my surroundings changed. I appeared in a volcanic region.

My dimension is entirely covered by lava; instead, this has a volcano.

I saw many white-like creatures tied up at the mouth of a volcano.

Choosing one, I started taking it over by placing my Kama seal.

⪼ Naruto ⪻

Naruto took Konan to his house and introduced her to everyone. At the same time, many were skeptical but soon opened up after Naruto gave his word.

'Naruto… I am done. Can I come outside?' Kaguya asked in his mind.

Naruto replied, 'Sure.'

Kaguya then appeared outside, scaring everyone around them.

Karin, the hyperactive one, yelled, "WOW! Is she the mother of chakra?"

Haku's veins were popping out. Then, controlling herself, she bonked Karin's head and said, "No dummy, she is not the mother of chakra. She is the mother of the person who introduced chakra to us."

Hinata nodded, agreeing, "Naruto-kun said their clan is the only one known to use chakra."

Kushina chuckled at Karin's enthusiasm, as it never stopped seeing her behave the same way she had behaved when she was a kid.

Mikoto teasingly said, "So you brought another girl? It hasn't even been a minute you brought Konan."

Konan was embarrassed since she was never received this much attention, the good kind.

Kaguya looked out of place. "It's good to see you in the real world."

When everyone got confused, Naruto answered them about what had happened.

When Konan heard the story, she almost fell to the ground if Tsunade was not supporting her.

Konan's life turned upside down. All the work they had done in Akatsuki was fake. They were pawns this whole time.

Seeing her, Naruto replied softly, "I am sorry, Konan. I will make sure to let Obito die for his sins."

Naruto thought the fourth Shinobi war might not happen if Kaguya was out.

He turned to everyone and said, "I want to take over the world."

He might have sounded like he had made an impulsive decision, but he had been thinking for a while.

Everyone was surprised. Tsunade heard him and said, "I will support you, Naruto-kun… I don't even want to be Hokage. The passion I had for Konoha has long since passed. The only reason I am Hokage is because of you."

Hearing her, Naruto pulled her into a hug. Soon, Hinata joined the hug.

Kushina yelled, "GROUP HUG!" pulling everyone into a big hug. Even clueless Kaguya and shy Konan have pulled in.

After some time, Mikoto, who had been silent, asked, "So… What is your plan?"

⪼ At Kage Summit ⪻

"In response to the Raikage request, the five Kages have assembled here. I am Mifune, your moderator. The Five Kage Summit Conference is called in order." Mifune announced.

Five Kages are sitting at their own respective seats under their country banner.

There was Gaara of the Sand village.

Next was 'A the Unruly,' the son of the supposed strongest Shinobi in Kumogakure and Raikage.

The third one is, Fifth Mizukage, Terumi Mei.

The fourth was 'Onoki of Both Scales,' known to have Kekkei Tota, {Dust Release}.

The final is Tsunade, Konoha's Slug Princess. She is known to be the strongest medical ninja and has {Wood Release}, which only two members possess in the world.

Next to Tsunade is Naruto Uzumaki, aka Crimson King. Who came to accompany her. While it is against the rules, no one said anything since he is known to be the current strongest Shinobi alive.

Gaara couldn't help but be nervous around Naruto, his role model.

Controlling his nervousness, Gaara said, "I shall speak first. Hear me."

"There is really such a difference in Kages these days. To be a Kage at your age is quite an accomplishment, LORD Kazekage. It seems your father trained you extremely well, except in the area of proper etiquette." Onoki replied, responding to Gaara's. He took Gaara's manners and his age as an offense.

Gaara looked emotionless, and he looked like he didn't take offense to Onoki.

"You're probably right, and it is why I can be here as Kagekaze," Gaara said.

In response to Gaara, Onoki laughed and mocked, "You certainly are cocky."

Mei, next to Gaara, tried to calm him down, not to escalate, "Lord Tsuchikage, there's no need to make fun of him."

Turning to Gaara, she said, "Continue, Lord Kazekage."

"I am a former Jinchuriki," glanced at Naruto and continued.

"The Akatsuki captured me and took my Tailed Beast. I was nearly killed. So I consider them extremely dangerous."

Gaara let the information sink in.

"So I sought the cooperation of the five Kage many times but was ignored. Except by the Hokage, and at the time when various lands have had their Jinchuriki stolen, the response by this group has been far too slow." Gaara finished his speech.

Onoki scoffed and tried to mock Gaara by saying, "Ha, How can the Hidden Villages of the Five Great Nations serve as an example when they allow all their Jinchuriki to be taken? And, of course, expect Konoha. It is an embarrassment!"

There was silence in the Kage's conference. Raikage looked like he was almost going to explode. Not only did he lose his adoptive brother, Killer B, but most of his village was also destroyed. But, he wasn't angry at Konoha for not helping them. Instead, he was mad at himself for being powerless against Pein.

"It is common sense to resolve this in utmost secrecy. Seeking the help of other lands just because of that is nonsense!" Onoki said.

Gaara exhaled and said, "Saving face… Prestige… Such old-fashioned beliefs."

Mei smiled and said, "That aside…."

She then looked towards Naruto and saw him nod his head, and she continued, "I will acknowledge that as the Mizukage, I have delayed action. However, having out-tailed beasts stolen and being all together in one place can cause severe consequences. So I support Lord Kazekage."

All the Kages noticed the transaction between Mei and Naruto, and many were curious about what she supported.

Onoki scoffed, "Controlling a Tailed Beast requires tremendous skill, knowledge, and finally, time. The Jinchuriki and the Tailed Beasts must mature together and adapt to each other. And controlling the Tailed Beast is difficult. As it is not a simple task, how is it possible to control them?"

Raikage couldn't control his anger and was about to punch but suddenly shivered.

When his fist was in the air, he sensed a massive killing intent, enough to cause him to sit back down.

Everyone was sweating heavily. They all looked at Naruto, who was releasing massive chakra and killing intent. Dark smoke was rising from his body, and his golden eyes shone.

Tsunade next to him showed a proud mouth.

"*Bam*" Sounds of people being knocked out and falling to the ground are sung around the room.

"Enough! Refrain from disruptive action, or I will deal with it" Naruto's voice sounded soft but intimidating.

Mifune, who was barely keeping it together, said, "Naruto-sama, please refrain from using chakra… and please behave yourself, Kages."

Raikage gulped loudly and folded his hands as he sat back down to hide his embarrassment.

Mifune said, "*cough* Let's continue our discussion."

Raikage then replied, "The Hidden Rock, Sand, Mist and… L-Leaf. Rogue Ninja from your villages makes up the Akatsuki."

To clear the misunderstanding, Tsunade replied, "Itachi Uchiha was placed as a spy in Akatsuki."

Mei joined in and said, "Kisame was also placed as a spy in a joint operation with Konoha but sadly found out and killed."

Raikage nodded and said, "And that's all, and from our investigation, we know that among you, including your previous Kage, there are those who used the Akatsuki!"

Gaara was surprised, raising his head, and asked, "Used them?."

Raikage got angry again but controlled and said, "I do not trust Konoha! I had no intention of even discussing this with them. But the reason I convened this summit is to question their loyalty."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes and said, "Oh? And why is that?"

Raikage replied, "All the Tailed beasts are captured except yours, and what is the proof that your spy is a spy rather than spying, is controlling Akatsuki?"

Tsunade laughed at his accusation and said, "Well… The leader of Akatsuki attacked Konoha and was killed by Naruto. Our Tailed Beast is not captured because WE ARE THE STRONGEST," emphasizing the last words.

Gaara and Mei supported Konoha by nodding their heads.

Gaara questioned Raikage again. "You said you used them? Who?"

Raikage didn't hear the news of Konoha being attacked since it was kept secret, and Tsunade did a fantastic good job of it.

"You are the Kazekage, yet you have not been informed. Ask your elders back home. You used Akatsuki in the past war! So you are not trusted." Raikage turned to Sand and said.

Onoki leaned back and said, "The Great Nations are heading towards uniform stability. They are moving from military expansion to military disarmament. As fear and the threat of war diminishes between nations, Hidden Villages, which were the source of its military strength, became costly hindrances. And yet, carelessly downsizing the villages poses a risk."

Mei interrupted and said, "What if a war suddenly breaks out? It would be a problem to depend on ninjas. And it would certainly be a defeat due to having no experience in war."

Gaara continued, "And one way to reduce that risk is mercenary soldiers. Namely, the Akatsuki"

Onoki said, "It takes a lot of effort and money to train skilled ninjas from your own village, but the Akatsuki makes war their livelihood, and they are made up of experienced professionals. And best of all, they return exceptional results."

Raikage said, "Get serious, Tsuchikage!"

Turning to Gaara, Raikage said, "The Sand used the Akatsuki to destroy the Hidden Leaf. I am talking about Orochimaru. I don't know if he has broken from Akatsuki, but as a result, your father, the Fourth Kazekage, died."

"Frankly, it is hard not to rule out the idea that this was someone's scheme," Raikage said, looking at Tsunade.

"The most suspicious are Konoha and Mist," Raikage added.

Mei and Tsunade narrowed their eyes and leaned forward to listen to what Raikage had to say.

"You Mist do not conduct diplomacy, and there are even rumors that the Akatsuki originated there!" Raikage said.

Mei sighed and said, "Since we have come this far, I will speak honestly. Someone was manipulating our Fourth Mizukage. However, thanks to Naruto-sama, we have dealt with the problem and found out the Akatsuki was controlling the Fourth Mizukage."

Raikage scoffed and said, "It's really convenient that the two suspects are linked together."

"Hold your tongue, Raikage!" Onoki said that after seeing Raikage was going to say something that might cause Naruto to act against them.

Tsunade interrupted them and said, "I have been waiting to make a statement."

Raikage asked, "What is it?"

"The supposed leader of the Akatsuki we defeated was not the actual leader. He was just a pawn, and the actual leader is Madara Uchiha." Tsunade said.

That statement causes silence. The name Madara is just enough to shut them up. It's known that when Madara joins a battle, the result is destruction.

Only one person could defeat him: the God of Shinobi, Hashirama Senju. Who passed away.

Mei asked, "Are you sure of that?"

Gaara also asked, "Hasn't he been dead for several decades?"

Onoki started sweating and said, "He died long ago."

Tsunade said, "The information is reliable."

Raikage stood up and said, "Are you saying he is immortal?!"

Mei said, "He might be."

Onoki replied, "To think… that he was really a monster."

Naruto now opened his mouth and said, "He has used a forbidden Jutsu of Sharingan and escaped the battle with Hashirama Senju. We have found news that he is currently using a pawn to bring himself back from the dead or is already back from the dead."

Again there was silence. Hearing the news that Madara might already be back from death caused fear.

Naruto again replied, "We have news that more than thousands of creatures were created to fight all Great villages."

Of course, that was a lie since they were always there from Kaguya time.

Mifune said, "*ahem* I want to speak on behalf of the neutral nations. The leader of the Akatsuki was able to read the times well. The Akatsuki took advantage of our weakened times and amassed its power."

Raikage questioned, "What are you saying?"

"Calm down. Turn calamity into fortune. It is extremely rare for all five Kage to assemble. What do you say, until Akatsuki is eliminated, why not establish the world's first Allied Shinobi Forces of the five Hidden Villages?" Mifune replied.

Onoki thought for a while and said, "If what Naruto-san has said. We need enough army to fight, or they will take over all the Shinobi world."

Raikage calmed his suspicions of Konoha and asked, "What else did you find?"

"They are gathering all Tailed beasts to cast an infinite Genjutsu and turn everything living being into a puppet," Naruto replied.

After Naruto said it, there was immense greed shown in Raikage and Onoki.

Naruto smirked inwardly, sensing their greed, and thought, 'All part of the plan.'

Tsunade agreed with Mifune and said, "We are in a state of emergency, so it's a fine plan, and cooperation is crucial."

Mifune nodded and said, "Going forward, we must determine a chain of command. We must avoid any further confusion."

Onoki, with greedy eyes, said, "So? Who will we choose to lead the allied forces?"

Mifune said, "Leaving that to you Five only results in arguments. So I ask that you respect the position of the neutral nations and allow me to come up with a proposal."

Everyone nodded their heads.

"To decide who among you five is most suitable. Presently, only Hidden Leaf Village has a Jinchuriki, the Nine-Tails. The key is how to utilize it… So how about granting the Allied Shinobi Forces supreme authority to the Hokage?" Mifune finished his statement.