The Green-Eyed Boy - 75

"★~ Asura~★"

Today, Asura planned for something. He was making his way towards the seventh floor, across the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, and there was a special room he found in the jumbled memories of Tom Riddle.

Asura also sensed four things when he arrived at Hogwarts, two Deathly Hallows, a Horcrux on the seventh floor and someone being possessed by a similar magical signature.

Although he never found out where the fifth Horcrux was, by now, it makes sense. Tricking the daughter of Ravenclaw into giving the location of her mother's diadem, which she stole.

Asura could deal with Voldemort now itself, but Tom still had his uses. Asura wanted Voldemort to arrive and cause chaos, so Asura could deal with it and gain fame.

Arriving across the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, Asura waits there confused since he doesn't know what to do and how to access the door.

{Kamui} he became intangible and looked through the wall, surprise-surprise he found a large room hidden between the wall.

"What are the full functions of this room, and how to make another one." Asura asked, placing his hand on the wall.

Soon multiple books arrived, ranging from simple arithmancy to advanced runes and rituals.

Asura summoned {Wood Clones} and said "Where is everything hidden."

Following his command, the room shifted into a long room with many things on shelves.

Making his way, following his senses, he reached an armour stand with a wooden box placed underneath.

Picking up the box, he saw a diadem with a green attached to it. He removed the soul piece without damaging the artefact using the arts of soul manipulation.

He knew what this diadem could do, which was not helpful for him; it can give eidetic memory and make your brain process faster.

Asura decided to give it to someone else, seeing that his brain was better than what this artefact could give.

After placing it in the inventory, he absorbs the soul piece of Voldemort.

Asura decided to wait until next year to take over this room, since Dumbledore probably knew about this. Wood Clones are doing their job of reading as many books as possible, as it doesn't hurt to have too much knowledge.

Asura was interested in ancient runes since he himself is a Fuinjutsu master, and the runes used in Harry Potter World are different from his seals.

Fuinjutsu is based on the kanji equation, whereas Runology is one of the most iconic subjects in regard to spell casting, rituals, and warding in homes.

Asura was sure that Fuinjutsu was a hundred times better than ancient runes. Fuinjutsu can easily bend reality.

Asura himself can make a better Room of Requirements with Fuinjutsu. If he wants to, he can make a black hole with just Fuinjutsu and destroy this world.

Of course, he was just comparing it to ancient runes in HP World, but he has confidence that his Fuinjutsu is better than even Asgardian runes.

Do you want a Gate of Babylon? *Boom* Asura can create it

Do you want someone as your slave? *Boom* Asura can make it happen. No, it's not as simple as controlling their minds or bodies. No, he can literally change a person's entire being by subjugating them with your Will.

He can even make a seal which can devour all life on a planet.

Asura then returned to his chamber, while the clones stayed there to use the Room of Requirements.

⪼ In Unknown Location ⪻

"My Lord, we have gotten the location of the ancient tomb" said a man with red eyes and a hood covering his features.

Sitting on a golden throne, there seemed to be a man tapping his claw-like fingers on the arms stand.

"I see… Did you find any news on the 'chosen one'?" said a man with a deep voice.

"My lord… we have some people who have some members in the ministry… we still couldn't find him" said the hooded man.

"How many newborns and half-bloods joined?" asked the man sitting on the throne.

"Currently, we have 123 newborns and 40 half-bloods this year. We have also found many Veela covens and are now being used for breeding food."

The man on the throne narrowed his eyes, and his deep red eyes looked as if he was about to devour his prey.

With a deep, menacing voice he said "It's time for the wizarding world to know who is at the top of the food chain."

⪼ Time Skip - To 1991⪻

"★~ Daphne Greengrass ~★"

Daphne with her family is making their way towards Hogwarts Express.

"Do you have everything you need?" asked the man holding her sister's hand, who had been crying since yesterday.

Daphne also feels sad to leave her sister, but she knows it's only for a year since her sister will be joining her next year at Hogwarts.

Her mother suddenly pulled her into a hug and silently shed tears. She wouldn't have enough strength to come outside the house, even pull her into a hug. But after Asura cured her mother with the curse, she grew healthy and strong, and she was very thankful to Asura.

Daphne had many chances to meet Asura for a year, and their relationship changed from stranger to mentor. She couldn't say she didn't have a tiny crush on him, but she likes to hide her emotions and weakness from the outside, other than her family.

Gently pushing her sobbing mother, she said "Mother, I will send letters regularly and visit you this Christmas. So don't worry."

Cyrus held his wife's shoulder and said "Listen to her, Liel. You should be strong for the little one."

Astoria was also crying, holding her father's arm. She didn't want to even look at Daphne, since she was angry at her sister for leaving her.

Daphne knows that her sister was throwing a small tantrum. Smiling at her, she said "I will be seeing you this Christmas, Tori."

Saying goodbye, she made her way to find Tracey Davis, her half-blood childhood best friend.


Daphne was attracted to a loud calling, and she didn't need to turn to confirm since only her best friend called her Daphy, which annoyed her.

Tracey came behind and hugged her friend and said "Let's go find an empty compartment before they are full."

Daphne shot an annoying glare at being called 'Daphy' by Tracey but soon followed.

"Knock knock" Tracey knocked on the compartment door to check if anyone was inside.

"Come in" came out the voice of a young boy from inside.

They had already checked most of the compartments and hadn't found an empty one, so they reluctantly went inside, giving up searching for more empty compartments.

Opening the door, relieved a boy. The first thing that attracted Daphne was his muggle clothes. Though they looked nice on him, it was still muggle clothes.

Tracey went first and sat in front of that boy, leaving Daphne standing still at the door.

Shooting another embarrassed glare at her friend's antics, she turned to the boy and said "Excuse us."

After sitting next to Tracey, she could see the boy's full features. Emerald eyes like Ela and messy raven hair with a slim body.

Daphne has met Ela, a friend of Asura. Though she knew they were more than friends, it didn't faze her, since many purebloods either have a mistress or a second wife.

Wizards and Witches can live up to a hundred years, depending on their power. An average wizard can live up to 200+ years, so wizards and witches are known to develop strange hobbies.

Like in the old times when Wizards kidnap beautiful muggle women and ra'pe them while playing a game where muggles run away from a wizard and the wizard 'hunts' them.

This was, of course, banned now, but who knows what happens in old pureblood families.

"Hello, my name is Tracey Davis… you are?" asked her friend while introducing herself to the green-eyed boy.

"Harry Potter… and stop bothering me" replied the boy with a cold tone.

Daphne was a little surprised but hid her surprise properly. She never thought The Boy Who Lived would be such a cold person. She never read those books about him nor trusted that a one-year boy defeated the most powerful Dark Lord ever to exist.

Asura taught her not to trust everything blindly and not judge a person without knowing him properly.

Daphne can guess that Harry is either new to Occlumency or generally a cold person.

Daphne, herself made a mistake during her practice at Occlumency, which almost cost her emotions to get locked up. But Asura helped her, and now she is very proficient at Occlumency.

Tracey apologised and soon started chatting with Daphne without disturbing Harry.

Daphne's compartment door was suddenly opened.

"Did anyone see a toad?" asked a bushy-haired girl with buck teeth.

Daphne was, of course, annoyed at her rudeness. The girl barged inside without knocking and didn't even apologise.

"No" replied Harry with his usual distant tone.

Tracey then said "No, but please knock on the door first next time."

The bushy-haired girl wrinkled her nose and replied, "Rude!"

"You are the one who barged inside without knocking on the door. You neither apologise nor introduced yourself." Tracey answered her comment.

"I am Hermione Granger". She said.

Daphne doesn't want to deal with the bushy-haired girl anymore, so she replies "You can go further down, and you will find upper-level students. They will be able to help you."

Hermione then rushed outside without thanking her or closing the door.

Daphne sighed and waved her wand to close the door. She wanted to lock the door, but knew that you couldn't lock compartment doors without a valid reason.

Daphne then picked up a book for sixth-year charms and decided to spend some time in peace.

"Only four in a boat" said a giant man with a large beard.

Daphne can guess that the large man has the blood from the Giants. She heard his name was Hagrid from him greeting Potter. Though their relationship seemed kind of tense, but it was none of her business.

Choosing a boat, she sat down with her friend Tracey and an unknown student.

"BEND DOWN!" announced the hairy man.

Everyone bent down except Daphne. After crossing a bridge and seeing her friend not bending down, Tracey asked "Why didn't you bend down?"

Daphne simply pointed out the bridge which had just passed and Hagrid.

Tracey was confused but soon figured it out. Hagrid is a giant man, so he needs to bend down, whereas the students don't need to since they aren't that tall compared to Hagrid.

On her journey on the boat, she had seen some boys falling from their boat, but a large creature looking like an octopus helped them while also terrifying everyone.

Reaching the shore, Daphne was greeted by a good-looking teacher with a stern face.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Thank you, Hagrid. I will be taking them from here" said the woman with the pointy hat.

"Follow me. I am Professor McGonagall." said the professor.

Daphne soon followed with the student and was taken to the gates, which led to the inside.

"Now, in a moment, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and lastly, Slytherin" she said, casting a glance at Draco Malfoy.

Daphne looked towards Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy, who was sentenced to Azkaban. She had noticed the boy lost most of his arrogance after seeing his father go to prison.

But also, she notices a dark look in his eyes, similar to power-hungry people.

"While you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn new points, any rule-breaking, and you will lose points…." Soon explained more details about the points system.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily" McGonagall said before opening the gate and leading everyone inside.

Daphne saw they were heading down to a big hall, with upperclassmen already sitting on their seats. When she looked around, she found a handsome man with red hair talking to teachers, suspiciously with more female professors.

Daphne was greeted by Asura waving, sensing her look, which caused her to lower her head, embarrassed. It wasn't helpful when her friend Tracey elbowed her and whispered something in her ear, which caused her cheeks to turn red.

Daphne's embarrassment went away when she heard the rude girl from the train comment something about the ceiling. Then, turning up, she noticed the ceiling looked like the night sky, with clouds, stars, and even a moon, which impressed her greatly.

Soon, students gathered in front of a hat placed on a table, and the professor behind sat at their table facing the door.

"Before we begin, Headmaster Dumbledore would like to say a few words" McGonagall said.

Dumbledore stood up from his seat next to Asura and said "I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students."

Pointing toward a person standing near a door, Dumbledore said "Our caretaker Mr Filch has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death."

'Is he joking?' was the thought of all students.

Daphne noticed the green-eyed boy had a scowl on his face, and she was taken back when the headmaster announced that news.

Daphne thought that announcing such a piece of news to kids who are generally curious was stupid and likely to backfire. She hoped that whatever was there was locked in a room with a magically locked door which doesn't open with a simple {Alohomora}.

Dumbledore then sat down after finishing his speech, and McGonagall started calling everyone to get their house sorted.

"Daphne Greengrass" called out McGonagall.

Daphne elegantly made her way to the hat and said "{Scourgify}"

"Mumm… Yes, thank you for that. It's been a long time since I was cleaned" the sorting hat thanked her while glaring at the headmaster.

'Oh, what do we have here… bravery like Gryffindor, seeker of knowledge like a Ravenclaw, greatly value friendship with a cunning Slytherin mind. Lord Black has trained you well, Heiress Greengrass. But I think you are more suited to Slytherin.'

"Slytherin" shouted the sorting hat.

Daphne thanked the hat, which surprised him, and made her way to the Slytherin table, where her friend Tracey was already waiting.


[A/N: I am mostly following the books, so the characters will look more animated than looking like actors from the movies. But I will be using most dialogues and some information from the film. Wizards can live long lives, so teachers shouldn't look that old compared to their age. Dumbledore is about 150.]
