
"But what about the sacrificial offerings?" questioned Asura, staring at Shikamaru.

"Except for a few things, we pretty much have everything. The final two beings," Shikamaru said with a solemn expression on his face.

Shika is aware that this is not a simple ritual; rather, it is a ritual that will either alter the course of Asura's life or bring about his Death. Normally, Asura is practically indestructible and has the ability to rip the world in two, but while he is participating in the ritual, he is reduced to the status of a normal man and has no power.

Asura gave a satisfied nod before continuing, "Qilin could be tough to discover… but I am certain that I can find the other beast on my own."

"We were successful in locating it, but capturing it proved challenging. It either escapes every time or can somehow detect our assault… I came to the conclusion that it has danger sense… or somehow can predict the future," Shikamaru said.

Hearing Shikamaru left Asura with a feeling of bewilderment. 'It should not be difficult for a ninja to capture a bird, even if the bird has a keen sense of hearing and smell.' Asura thought.

Shikamaru said, "Yes, I went there by myself," after seeing that Asura's eyes had narrowed. He continued, "It doesn't matter how quickly I run, teleport, or even travel via my shadow world to surprise it; it always disappears immediately before I reach."

Asura is now extremely interested in this 'bird,' and with a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes, he said, "I can take care of it. Simply let me know when it is available once again, and I will make the trip there on my own."

◈ ━ ◆ ━ ◈

"SCREECH!!!" A howl resounded over the heavens as multiple thunderstorms broke out everywhere.

The amazing golden beast was encircled by a wide clear red square, and the wings of the beast were covered with lightning.

"You are such a magnificent beast… regrettably, I have need of you. Nothing personal," Asura muttered as he turned around with golden chains flailing about behind his back.

Once again, the beast let out a roar, which this time caused tremendous thunder to roll over the sky.

Asura made no effort to move at all. Asura was hit by the lightning, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him at all.

Suddenly, he clutched his chest, and a twitch appeared in his eye. Asura then turned his gaze onto the beast and stated, "I knew you were exceptional. Out of all the Thunderbirds, I selected you. Your lightning harm a soul? Interesting!"

When the Thunderbird looked at Asura, who had not been hurt in any way, it seemed perplexed. It was aware of what her lightning was capable of doing; up to this point, no one had survived her lightning.

Asura let loose all of his chains on the Thunderbird, which made an effort to escape but was thwarted by the sheer number of chains, which numbered in the hundreds and were wrapped around the beast.

Suddenly, a bolt of golden lightning tore a hole in the Yin-Yang barrier around the Asura, and then it hit the Asura in the heart, causing a massive hole to form there.

"WHO DARE TOUCH AQUILA!!!" A voice as loud as thunder resounded across the heavens.

Asura, who was bleeding profusely from his lips and had a hole in his chest, stood there staring up at the sky.

A half-man with the head of an eagle and the body of a powerful bird floated in the air, supported by two wings that were both vast and huge.

After seeing that Asura had a wound in his chest, the half-man gave a satisfied nod, certain that he had succeeded in killing Asura. And just as he was going to turn away and go, he saw Asura suddenly transform into a flock of crows and vanish from sight.

The half-neck man began to quiver all of a sudden, and he quickly realized that this was a warning that he was going to be in danger. He was about to soar up into the sky. Just as he was about to, with an explosive sound, that half-man was thrown to the ground, which resulted in the formation of a massive crater.

"O, what could the Chief Guardian of the Hindu gods possibly be doing in this place?" While Asura questioned this, he took a quick glance towards the Thunderbird, where Aquila was still bound and chained.

Despite the fact that he had no prior understanding of mythology, he was well aware of the threat that they posed to Harry Potter. Therefore, he spent a great deal of time studying while he… his clones looked for any possible vulnerabilities.

As the smoke dissipated, it became evident that the half-man had escaped injury because of the protection provided by his brown eagle wings, which were wrapped around him like a shield.

As it spread its wings, its emerald-green eyes fixed themselves on Asura as if he were its prey.

Asura did not like being stared at as prey, so in reaction, he grumbled something about "[Shinra Tensei]."

The enormous gravitational force that had been produced slammed against the half-man, causing him to retreat in the other direction with his arms crossed and wings used as a shield.

Asura challenged Garuda, the defender of Dharma, saying, "Well, Garuda, the guardian of Dharma… show me what you have," while subtly revealing his tendency to be a Battle miniac.

As Garuda relaxed his arms and wings, he said, "You were the Red Death… I can almost smell Death coming off of you."

Hearing the word "Death" emanating from him made him feel uncomfortable, but it didn't upset him too much.

Asura said, while casting a mocking glare in the direction of the half-bird, "Quite a name for a guy who has merely killed two gods."

Garuda responded by saying, "Still, you killed the most demi-gods in history in the span of 5 years, which is quite an accomplishment… for a… I don't know what you are, but I know you need to be stopped." Soon after, Garuda threw a lightning bolt at Asura, but it was easily avoided by the latter.

Garuda then materialized in front of Asura at the speed of light and hit Asura hard in the chest, which resulted in a large sonic boom occurring behind Asura.

Garuda became enraged as Asura once again transformed into a swarm of crows, causing him to cry, "FIGHT LIKE A MAN, COWARD."


Suddenly, a pillar of light appeared, tearing the skies.

Garuda, who had just risen off the ground, uninjured, was spewing golden flames as the pillar of light began to go down.

When Asura first laid eyes on the golden flames, his first impression was, "Holy flames, pretty similar to mine but greater."

When Asura absorbed [Amaterasu] from Itachi, he obtained the ability to use both the cursed green flames known as Gyoka and the original Amaterasu power known as Sun Fire, which came from Goddess Amaterasu.

However, the flames that came from Garuda were more potent than those from him, since divinity was a factor.

It was the primary motivation for him to go to a new planet, abandon his loved ones, and put his life in danger in order to meet individuals who had the potential to tear his heart out at any moment or destroy worlds with the wave of their hand.

Even if he had just met new people who he holds dear, he was sure he would not have gone here if it weren't for the possibility of acquiring divinity from Mara (Death).

Garuda directed the flames toward Asura, which caused a laser to focus on Asura in the form of a beam of light.

The fire suddenly halted just before it was about to hit Garuda in the face, which left him bewildered.

The flames vanish into a whirlpool with only the snap of his finger. *snap*

Asura's eye twinkled, and this led Garuda to assume that Asura had used some kind of powers to stop his Holy Flames because he saw a twinkle in Asura's right eye, which is something that is quite impossible even for a Demi-god, if he says so himself.

Garuda flung himself at Asura using his massive brown wings, and with his unique golden lights, he immediately began raining blows of destruction down onto Asura.

"You done?" Asura jeered at the creature without moving or responding to Garuda's assaults.

"I-Impossible… My lightning can harm a soul… No, you DIDN'T!" Garuda howled in wrath as he gaped in amazement at the unique leather armor that Asura was wearing.

"Y-you are a monster… A Qilin is holy even for gods… and yet you butcher it and turn it into armor?" Garuda questioned while his eyes burned with wrath, and the only thing he wanted to do was shred Asura to bits.

Qilin are gentle animals that are revered even more than the well-known unicorns. Qilin has the ability to evaluate the morality of a person's soul. They have the power to see straight through the hearts and minds (souls) of everyone, whether it be a great God or a human, and they will only kneel down to the most virtuous person they can find.

A minister would have been selected by Qilin according to an ancient wizarding ritual, but sadly, these magical beasts were slaughtered and are now almost extinct. To his great relief, Asura tracked out a solitary Quiln, the sole living specimen of its kind anywhere in the globe.

The Killing Curse is Asura's one and only point of vulnerability; it is the one thing that can kill him, regardless of how powerful he is, since it separates his soul from his body.

Therefore, after doing more research, Asura discovered that a Qilin mother had survived the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra.

Furthermore, after conducting additional… experiments, he discovered that the hide from the beast could guard against soul attacks.

It may seem cruel, but he peeled the beast's skin off while it was still alive in order to treat it and store it for future use. He devised a strategy, and when he returned to the world of Naruto, he had a great scientist called Amado who was an expert in cloning (can you guess who he is?).

After cloning the beast, he was able to replicate it in vast quantities and create an army of ninjas who were immune to the effects of soul strikes.


A/N: I am still on vacation, so please ignore any grammatical mistakes and bad sentence formation as I wrote this on my phone.

Though I am not British, shout out to Queen Elizabeth. Rest In Peace.