Wheel Of Time

"SIR!!! The systems are going through the roof, with multiple Tsunami warnings, earthquakes, and magnitudes close to 8.0. ETA 180 seconds!" reported the individual was carrying a notebook in one hand and a turban on his head at the time.

A guy clutching a telephone and visibly sweating profusely said, "Call an emergency alert for the whole of Gujarat. We need an evacuation as quickly as possible!"

The unexpected shaking of the building caused everyone in it to scream and run for cover beneath the nearest desk.

"CALL THE PRIME-" Unfortunately, he was unable to complete the statement as the whole building collapsed on top of everyone within the building, killing them all.

"ACH!" As the claw-like hands of the half-bird man pounded into Asura's stomach, blood gushed out of his mouth.

Asura teleported away as he wiped the blood from his lips and the wound in his stomach began to mend in a manner that was peculiarly extremely sluggish.

Garuda, who in the beginning was around 7 feet tall, suddenly seemed to be almost 12 feet tall, with enormous muscles and veins that were protruding. He seemed to be a figure like the Hulk and had a crimson "aura" seeping out of him, causing Asura to remember Guy's Eight Inner Gate, the Gate of Death.

"You are not a human being…" Garuda questioned in a menacing tone as he held a drop of Asura's blood between his fingers, "you are those filthy bloodsuckers, but you weren't cursed?"

Asura, in contrast to other vampires, neither exhibits a vulnerability to Holy Light nor is cursed to be unable to perform magic.

Asura, despite the wound he is now experiencing, maintains his normal look as he listens intently to some significant information on vampires being "cursed."

"You are an abomination… Swear on my name as Garuda, Protector of Dharma. I WILL kill you today!" Garuda made the announcement and swore that he would kill Asura when he realized that Asura's assault with divinity was mending on a "dark" creature.

Even though Asura's expression suggested that he was unconcerned, the abrupt "change" that Garuda underwent had the opposite effect on his mental state.

Asura's pride prevented him from seeing that he was going up against someone who had previously easily vanquished gods and was also the Chief Guardian of the Hindu Gods.

Asura let out a long breath, and then, having made up his mind to finish it quickly, he clasped his hands together and spoke the word "[Amenominaka]."

Garuda's eyes widened as he saw everything around Asura transform into a desolate wasteland.

"What sort of monstrosity are you... To be able to exert dominion over space and to own one's own realm!" When Garuda observed various spatial variations in his immediate environment, he was perplexed.

"[Lion's Ambition]" Asura was surrounded by a golden aura, and the golden lion that had been formed from chakra transformed into a golden armor.

Soon as the fight of the century began, Asura, who hadn't even battled seriously in the Shinobi world until he encountered Garuda, was thrown into the fray.

Asura uttered, "Fuck it," before releasing his hold on the situation. He wasn't concerned anymore about the possibility that he may simultaneously reawaken all of the gods or that Fate would take notice of him.

The only thing that interests him is defeating Garuda and devouring him. But he was also aware that he needed to be cautious.

In contrast to the shinobi world, in which the world can withstand many equally destructive attacks, the HP world is incapable of doing so.

A single Shinra Tensei with exceptional strength has the potential to alter this planet's orbit, which may result in the planet colliding with other planets, getting detached from the solar system, or, even worse, traveling directly into the sun.

"[God's Speed]" Lighting ran through Asura, causing his speed to go through the rough.

In the flash of an eye, Asura's body slammed Garuda, sending him flying through the air and crashing into many trees before ultimately planting him to the ground.

As Garuda rose into the air, his wings spread wide, causing him to let forth enormous gusts of wind.

A brilliant column of light materialized at the same time as huge flames began to condense into a tornado.

"[Kamui]" All of the holy fire that was dazzling Garuda was consumed by a whirl of space.

Any attack, whether it Holy Fire or Holy Lightning, was sucked up by the swirl of space.

"Forgive me Lord Vishnu, for using your weapon," Gardua spoke those words as a colossal golden disk known as a chakram materialized on top of him.

When Asura looked at the golden disk, his senses told him to avoid it at all costs since he was certain it would end his life. He was aware that this weapon had the potential to kill him regardless of whether or not he could regenerate.

As was to be predicted, the disk severed his Kamui portal, and he would be unable to teleport away from the area since the space was being frozen by the disk.

Asura let out a sigh as his Devouring chains were being gradually severed one at a time while he was blocking the disk with his arms crossed in his Golden Lion Armor.

ZA WARUDO, a power to stop time —No effect, though the time stopped, the disk didn't.

Sukunahikona, The Ability to shrink themselves and any inorganic object or non-living matter within their sight —No effect.

Because he was the target of the disk's attention, even if he found a way to teleport, the disk would continue to pursue him until the end of time.

Even though Garuda watched the weapon behead Asura, he nevertheless utilized the weapon, which can only be used once. Garuda's expression could not help but show a profound sense of sorrow, losing a gift.

"Tch… Rakshasa is killed but now i can't use Lord Vishu's weapon anymore."

After he had shown himself to be the most trustworthy guardian, Vishnu, one of the top three gods, presented him with the Chakram as a token of his gratitude. However, Chakram can only be used once. That Chakram was the wheel of time, and there was nothing that could stop it; if it were, even the concept itself would be reduced.

"ACH!" Garuda abruptly choked up blood as a hand pierced his heart.

As he turned around, he found Asura standing in front of him, wearing a golden robe and having two distinct pupils in each of his eyes. On his forehead was a sign of the Sun and the Moon. As he was being exposed to Asura's immense waves of strength, he couldn't help but break out in a light sweat.

Garuda asked as he was on his knees, "H-How," nothing can stop the wheel of time. Certainly, there are methods to resist it, but once it cuts anything, it can never be mended.

Turning back to the decapitated corpse, he discovered Asura's body glitched and alive with just one arm gone.

As his life force continued to be depleted, his eyes eventually lost their luster and took on a bluish-green hue, transforming from the pearly emeralds they had previously had.

< Asura POV >

As I dropped to my knees, I saw that my breathing had become labored, but after a short period of time, I began to feel my fatigue melting away as an unidentified force began to permeate my body.

I noticed my other version approaching.

"It was a risky move utilizing Time Turner," he muttered as his left hand gradually vanished, leaving him one-handed like him.

Yes, when he had used ZA WARUDO, even though it didn't stop the disk, it did pause the world time, which allowed him to carry out his sneak assault.

It was merely after that that he sacrificed his arm in order to utilize the Time Turner that was placed in his inventory. This was done so that his future self could throw Garuda into [Kotoamatsukami], an illusion that made it seem as if he had been decapitated.

Because of my 'mortal' condition, which is the state of a human who lacks divinity, I did not possess the level of power necessary to subjugate him entirely, but I was able to subtly shift his range of vision so that he concentrated on me.

I had to use Sage Mode in order to have full control over my chakra, eliminate all mana from my body, and become one with nature so that I could conceal myself better. I am relieved to report that everything eventually worked out.

I broke out in a cold sweat as I felt a surge of fresh power race through my veins.

During the time that I was drawing his life force into myself, my chains were busy drawing his blood into themselves. I have a deep fascination with his blood due to the fact that it was said to contain something so potent that legends say 'it' can evade death.

I was only able to kill him because my future self had the ability SEAL, which allowed us to seal anything, even concepts, with only a touch. This was a power that I had earned after obtaining my golden Rinnegan, and it was the only way I could kill him.

'Sigh…' When I considered how difficult it would be to function without one of my arms, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Because the blasted disk just removed my left arm from 'existence,' the King of Hell will not be able to treat my wounds caused by the dang disk. "I" or "Asura Black Uzumaki" have never had an arm.

At least there won't be a lot of questions, so that's a plus.

"Oh merlin's saggy balls."

I noticed a great number of sorcerers and witches were already gazing at me with shocked looks due to the fact that our battle had triggered a number of earthquakes on earth.

I let out another sigh as I considered whether or not I should simply use Genjutsu on everyone and wipe their memories since I thought it would be too much effort otherwise. I would, at the very least, take advantage of this chance to become famous... which was to be expected of me.



And no, this was not a nerf, nor was he nerfed. In Hindu mythology, Garuda defeated Indra, a powerful deity, easily, so Garuda is very powerful.

People might ask Asura lost an arm, and yet it wasn't a nerf?

If you are familiar with my second fanfic, everything I do will only power him up, not the opposite. I won't spoil much, but this isn't a nerf. I will never nerf my MC unless readers want me to. Though I am not a fan of it.