Execution of Plan

It's been a few days since then and I have been planning my escape and makeing necessary preparations while I was given free time from my observer.

I would stay as far as possible from her or either give her random chores to distract her.

The plan is quite simple actually, there will be a party celebrating the 16th birthday of daughter of Duchess of Austin clan.

Though Austin may seem man's name , it was just a title, in reality there were two male Dukes from Earwood and Barmford Clan and two female Duchess from Rosenberg and Austin Clan .

The Duchess of Austin Clan is known to be the best weapon master in Vampire Race,

In novel's later part, she would reach even greater heights nearly coming on equal footing with Mother in Weaponry.

In novel, she was portrayed as a manly woman, she is loyal to queen and her sword in battlefield.

She is known to have cut apart a huge mountain with her single strike in a battle against elves.

That's how terrifying is she!

She has blonde hair and blue ocean eyes, thin nose, and pink lips, a tall height of 6 ft and a lean and thin muscular frame with slender legs honed through many years of training.

The Queen has quite faith in her capabilities and hence as a courtesy, she wil make us go and congratulate her on behalf of her for daughter's birthday.

She herself cannot come as she is always busy with other affairs and her training.

The Duchess knows this well and won't be surprised at all, instead of bring offended she will only have admiration for mother since she likes this sort of people.

Well anyways her daughter, Macy Austin will have her coming of age ceremony in some days and at that day will i execute my plan.

I will escape while being there as only my maid Rose will be with me and no one else and why I am so sure about it ?

Well I have already been invited to many such occasions before.

'Though I wasn't invited, it was for other siblings but since they can't sent invite to particular ones, they collectively send invite to Royal Family'


And as I have said before, that since I have been invited many times already, if is deemed unnecessary for many elites to be sent to observe me.

Rose alone is enough.

So as I will escape from there after dealing with Rose but Lily can also become a variable in my plan so i have to make arrangements for her too.

Fortunately I just know how to do that.


Today is the day of my departure to attend the party.

And everyone was getting in their separate carriages.

Although I said carriage, it can move on its own in air so it's a type of square shaped air car I guess.

Well everyone was sitting in their individual carriages except for me,

it's not like I don't own a carriage, i have a carriage befitting royals but...

Somehow I was shocked to find that my carriage was broken to pieces very finely and to repair it will need some time and we cannot be late so here comes the thing.

Lily strongly insisted that I travel with her in her luxurious carriage without giving me a chance to refuse.


Extremely suspicious...








I was staring at Lily but she just smiled at me cutely as if displaying her innocence.

But I was still suspicious, I may have a guess who was behind my carriage destruction.

Rose was in the quarter next to us with Lily's maid, her sister.

We reached the Austin Dukedom after some time and whole time on our way, Lily didn't stop bothering me a bit.

She was getting overly connected.

But somehow I was able to survive.

Although I was not able to do much in these days but I constantly started basic muscle training to improve my muscle density slowly and also my stamina, though I don't need such training due to me being Vampire but as I am weakling.

I saw a huge castle on top of a hill, which was made up of some sort of silver marbles mixed with grey.

It was large and extravagant but still inferior to Royal Clan's.

I saw many carriages in front of the castle gate indicating many nobles have been invited.

But as soon our carriage's were seen, all of them looked up at our carriages with Royal Symbol which consisted of a complex circle with exquisite and elegantly carved designs like an array surrounding the whole.

It was one and only of its type and no one has enough guts in world to copy it if they don't wish to face the wrath of Vampire and Royals .

We exit our carriage and everyone bowed, be it male, female or children.

They had high respect in their eyes for us.

It was Kinda weird but I was used to such stares from my past life.

We just nodded and entered the castle and inside we were guided by a servant to the ballroom.

It was extremely large, many nobles were already present chatting, some were enjoying the lavish drinks and extravagant and mouth watering food

Our presence made everyone quiet for a second and everyone looked at us and bowed just like outside.

"I welcome The esteemed Royal family to attend the coming of age ceremony of my dear daughter Macy "

Duchess Austin, the manly woman taller than most of us greeted us and did a slight bow as courtesy though as a Duke she don't have to bow to princes and princesses.

But she respect Vampire culture a bit.

Together with her was her daughter who had blond hair and heterochromatic pair of eyes with one red and other blue, a small nose and small lips , she had just the same figure as her mother, tall like her mother.

She also greeted us with courtesy.

And then we soon parted ways and everyone headed where they wanted to interact.

hum I was left alone as no one wanted to be tied to a weak prince such as me .

Well Rose was just behind the corner just observing.

well after that incident she has become more listening.

I just passed time while strolling around and soon the ballroom was filled with people and I was in crowd,

Whenever I needed something I would ask rose .

Though annoyed she still did what I said.

And my clingy sister was trying to come to me but everytime some noble vamp would greet her and I can see her getting impatient slowly.

I asked Rose to meet me outside the ballroom and wait for me there as I have something important to tell her.

She looked at me for a second, and nodded and left quietly and as for Lily, she was surrounded by nobles.

I made my way slowly towards the lawn of the room which was an open area and the opposite direction to what I told Rose.

Due to me being a weakling, I had little to no aura in me so nobody really noticed my existence much.

I just quietly strolled to the lawn and walked for sometime and I saw some knights patrolling near gate where carriages were entering from.

I felt a chill down my spine suddenly but I looked around and saw nothing .

I just sighed and continued nearing a bush and from the inner pocket of my outfit, I took out a storage bracelet which was mine and contained a sufficient space for my plan.

It was made specially for me by Royal Clan as I couldn't use magic to store things, Well it was something I recieved after requesting mother about it and she just tossed me this bracelet.

I took out a black robe and quickly put it on so as to hide my flashy clothes inside.

After sometime, I took out a white coloured liquid which was glowing lightly.

This potion will help me hide my presence for 2 days straight.

Though someone with extremely keen dense could sense me out easily.

I got it from the castle's Treasury by using the novel's knowledge, I knew where all the Minor treasury was kept has some secrets routes and I was lucky to find one.

I didn't stole many things because there was the risk of me getting found if many things went missing.

I prepared myself.







Do or Die

Let's do it !

Gulp Gulp Gulp

I drank all of it and quietly left the gates of castle, where the guards were busy checking out nobles.

I dashed at the highest speed i could muster at that moment and just ran all the way to the city.

Due to my vampire traits, I had high stamina and regeneration which helped keep up.

I didn't waste a second and bought some necessary supplies from a shop with the money I had quickly.

The money I had was more than enough .

I didn't wait and just hired a carriage and we quickly left the Dukedom.

My absence must have caused quite a Chaos to my sister and my maid but I know they are intelligent enough to not get it revealed.







Rose POV

I was waiting outside the ballroom just as Prince said.

He had something important to tell me?

what might it be.....I am always with him and I don't remember any major incidents happening with him


Wait, could it be the reason why the always obedient prince suddenly became aggressive some days ago might be connected to it...

It is indeed possible.....

Maybe he came to his right mind now and also want to apologise to me for being such disobedient prince these days.


It is always exciting to have a someone groveling at my feet begging me for something.

I am really a sadist....hum.....I find it arousing to have someone of Royal Blood grovel at my feet, beg me and follow my orders.

Just having this control over someone from such a lineage has been the best experience of my life since I became his maid.....

It also shows how great I am to have someone of so respected and revered lineage my slave.

But I can't just do that so i slowly started instilling Fear! in third prince

I was sure I could have him turned into my slave soon but....


The glass of water from which she was drinking water broke into pieces by her grip.

She was very angry and will make sure that whatever the reason behind his behaviour, she will make sure to eliminate it and make him like before.

"Huh, it's been quite long and Prince hasn't come out yet...What is he doing?'

Wait.....it's extremely suspicious since so much time has passed and he still hasn't come out and knowing the behaviour of his from the past few days....it's definitely fishy and I am sure something is up.

I hastily made my way inside the ballroom and used my senses to find him.


I must have known better to leave him in this state of behavior of his.

That prince!

He escaped!

Dam it!

He with that condition left and if something happens, the consequences are something no one can afford.

The Queen has specifically told me about the danger hidden inside him and any carelessness will lead to just Chaos everywhere.

I must find him as soon as possible, he might not have gone far with his fragile physique.




Hi Readers !


I was asked by one of my Reader to make the old Genesis and the New Genesis to Work together?

What opinion do you have about this type of setting, comment it as I might still be able to add the old Genesis to story later on...

Or do you want the MC to be independent?

