Lily and Tomb

Lily POV

'Trash.... every one of them is trash'

Lily thought while being surrounded by different nobles who were eager to please her, win her favour, idolise her.

'These pests are annoying me too much.....I have been trying to meet Gen since coming here but no! of these pest comes after one leaves...should I just eradicate them all at once.....I feel like I am losing patience...'

'No mother will be angry if I increase her workload.... although pests but they still have their uses for now'


What's this tense and anxious feeling that I am getting now suddenly.....


I remember this feeling well enough...I have carved this feeling in my very instincts so as to never forget it.

It is Gen.....

I had the same feeling when Ernest broke his arm.

Ohh how I wanted to rip apart Ernest at that time and torture his very core.....

No No No !

But why I am having this feeling now, I just saw Gen eating at the corner.....

Huh where has he gone...


I can't sense him!!

Panic started to rise within me and I was sure I would have gotten panic attack if I didn't use mana to calm myself.


I use my full strength and scan every corner of the city....

Some high Nobles were gazing at my direction, most probably they have figured out....but seemed confused why I scanning the surroundings...

"Pricess Lily....what happened, may I ask why are you....?"

The Duchess came to me and spoke slowly in a slightly confuse and worried tone...

"No, You may not ask and I just remembered something important so I will be leaving, thanks for your hospitality....I will give your regards to mother.....oh and Gen is also going with me...."

Saying so I quickly left leaving the Duchess a bit confused but she does not have the authority to interfere in my matters so she can only nod respectfully.

Although some of the Nobles were curious but they didn't dare ask her as it might seem rude to interfere.

My brothers and sisters didn't pay any heed and were just doing their own business.

I soon arrived outside the castle

"Prepare the Carriage!"

I spoke to my maid who followed me behind.

"Yes Princess!"

I can fly but I don't want to waste my mana at all as I must prepare for the worst if I have to battle.

The carriage arrived in seconds.


We flew towards the sky....and even though I spread my senses to fullest and scanned the entire Dukedom I couldn't find a trace of him.

But I found his maid flying at a high speed towards the border of Dukedom.

Useless Insect!

I shouldn't have entrusted her to keep Gen safe

My maid seemingly understanding my intention without me saying anything drove to her and Rose finally sensing us stopped.

"Useless Insect! What happened to Gen!"

I spoke trying my best not to kill her but my killing intent was oozing like crazy and all the weak beasts below us were dead.

"P-princess, I deeply apologize for incompetence and I am ready to face any punishment, I-"


I shot a beam from my finger towards her one hand and one leg was gone just like that.....

Her face contorts in pain.

Though losing limbs is not much to Vampires strong enough like her as they can just regrow themselves.

But I specifically used my mana in that beam....

It will be very painful experience for her to regrow them back.

My maid, her sister just watched this, she don't have any emotional attachment to anyone other than me.

"Any useless word now and you will wish you didn't exist"

"Am I clear?"

She nodded


"I was watching Prince when suddenly he went into a daze for sometime and then suddenly came to me and told me that he had something important to tell me and as you know recently prince has become aggressive and has shown great emotional changes so I had a suspicion that whatever Prince is suffering from might be connected to it and prince has finally decidedly to be open about it but after sometime when he didn't come , i got worried and searched for him with my senses but he was missing since then and I have searched the entire Dukedom but still hasn't found any trace of him and I was not able to report to you Princess as I was extremely worried and forgot.....once again I apologise sincerely and am ready to accept punishment for my carelessness."

Lily was fuming inside about this maid's foolishness and carelessness but her reasoning was accurate and she also wanted to know why his behaviour had changed and has been avoiding her

Well he always avoided her even before reincarnation.

She nodded and said

"Very Well if he has gone out of Dukedom then we can't do anything as he might have gone in any direction, maid go to Royal Castle...I must report mother about this, now only she can find him and as for you insect....even though your reasoning is satisfactory, you will still be punished for your incompetence which is not something a maid of Royal family should do.....and since few days you have been incompetent"

"For now go and search for Gen"




After a few hours we reached Royal Castle and I hurriedly went to throne room and saw mother talking to some subordinates.

Seeing mother just nodded to me and soon we were alone in the room

"So Lily dear what happened, why do you look so worried my little princess?"

Lilith was showing her usual favouritism .

"Mom ! Gen has gone missing, I think he has most probably escaped since no one is brave enough to kidnap a Royal"

Lilith expression changed drastically from calm and loving to shock, anger, curiousity, regret and a little bit excitement?

She was shocked at how can her coward son think of escaping from her, angered due to the incompetence of herself to not send any elites to watch over him, how can she be so careless.

Curiousity of what has been going with her dear son.

Regret due to what might happen with his condition.

And excitement for a new challenge but that was very minimal as she does not want a war just for her excitement

She came out of her thought and just laughed at her son's foolishness of thinking he could escape his mother's senses.

If he is not too far, she can easily sense him till the border of vampire race and a bit further also into other race territory even though they are protected by their strong ones.

So when she spread her senses and tried to find his location.





Her eyes widened slightly as she could not sense him.

What !

How was that even possible??

He must have escaped during the party so he cannot reach another race territory so soon even if it was her competent son Lars, even he would not have reached so soon.

What is it then?

She wanted to just rush up so badly and find the reason but alas she just got a report of something major happening at eleven border that needed her to be there since the eleven queen herself was involved.

So she had no choice but to go as a Queen.

Lily gestured and out of nowhere a women appeared in front of her and bowed

"I understand you majesty I shall start immediately"

Lily was a little surprised seeing this woman, she was Diana, the head maid of Royal Castle and her mother's personal maid and her strength was unfathomable even for Lily so she respected her a little.

Diana called out





"Yes Mistress!"

Out of nowhere, two women, two men appeared from dark and kneeled in front of her Lilith and Diana.

"Go and find Prince Genesis and bring him back and I hope you understand how important is this mission I am giving you, failure is not an option, and try to draw as little attention position in any scenario, am I clear?'

"Yes Mistress!!"

"Go now!"

All the four figures disspeared

"Your Highness, I have raised them personally and I am sure they can complete the task as secretly as possible" Diana said

As the head maid, she naturally know of the many secrets of Royal Clan

"Hmm.....alright but do ask the shadows to search the vampire territory thoroughly"

"Certainly, Your Highness"

"Lily go now, mother will handle it "

The loving and caring tone was nowhere to be found now but Lily nonetheless nodded and left quietly.


"Yes Princess"

Lily some to her maid

"Put the entire of my organisation to search, its not that I doubt mother but I must find Gen as soon as possible"

"As you wish princess"

The maid,.Elis left

Lily was left alone in the big hallway.

"Ohh my dear Gen, why did you escape huh.....look at me feeling so broken without have become very naughty huh, hehe playing with me like that....I should have chained you earlier, well no worries, I have a surprise planned for you when you are brought I hope you don't resist my darling".

Lily was mumbling this while her eyes were having a strange light in then and no one knows what surprise she has planned but it wouldn't be something pleasent for Genesis in the least.


But why was Lilith not able to sense Genesis?

It's not because he had already left to another territory.....he can't simply, if even Lars, the strongest of siblings couldn't so how could he.

The time at which Lilith tried to sense Genesis, he was already at his first destination.

That is The Tomb of the Great Alchemist Bernard Zane.

His tomb being the greatest Alchemist couldn't be so petty to be sensed so easily otherwise his secrets would have been unsafe as Vampires ot humans might have found it.

His tomb was made by him personally using his riches of lifetime and his vast knowledge and blocking the senses of someone was the least it could do.

You can imagine someone who can make an Elixir that could provide semi immortality, how much knowledge he would have had in his time.

So that's why Lilith was still unable to probe him, given how powerful she is, just shows the capability of Bernard the great Alchemist.





"Huh looks like my news has spread to mother and she must have already sent people for me but it's useless once I reach the human territory.....I will execute next part of my plan which will make ir close to impossible to take me back.....for now I should find the Elixir of Freedom to break the restriction on me "

I heard forward into the deepest parts of the tomb.





Hi Readers!

I hope you are all well and happy🍀.