Treasures and Freedom


I was in front of a huge door which was entrance to where the corpse of Bernard was preserved by himself.

I could hardly contain my excitement, to be able to finally free myself from the restriction restraining my growth for such a long time.....

I used my strength to open the door.....there was no magic or any sort of barrier was there since Bernard was confident in his skills of perfectly hiding his tomb....alas he didn't expect that someone would have found it by sheer luck.

But it doesn't matter now since I will be taking the benefits.

What I saw inside shocked me.

There was a huge shelf with various books emitting an ancient aura.

Looking closely most of them were related to alchemy but there were some others were too.

It looks like this was the most precious collection he had in his lifetime.

Such ancient knowledge is now very limited due to a war in past, many of the records were destroyed and what was left was strictly controlled by different royalties of the kingdoms.

They were extremely precious and if someone found even a single book in some ruins or anything like that, it would be sold at sky high prices.

And here was a full shelf consisting of them and it was not just some ancient books.....these were the lifetime collection of the greatest Alchemist Bernard.

One could imagine how much knowledge they contain and I can see his research booklet in the middle of shelf too.

I am getting too excited!

Let's focus on finding the Elixir of Freedom first, then I will look all these treasures he saved.

I can see a coffin which was made of a shiny yellow material, not gold but it was shining brighter than gold and emitting a very strong aura, most likely an artefact.

But more importantly behind the coffin was a table with some vials on it and each vial was emitting a very strong and suffocating aura.

They were rich of vitality even after so long.

But one of them which was in the middle of all, placed inside a glass type material was the one emitting the most life, aura and a strange hue around it .

And I was sure if not for the special glass restraining it, it would have spread its aura all around the tomb and made this tomb filled with nature.

Elixir of Freedom!

Yes, this is the one I need to open my future potential.

I was now in front of glass and slowly took off the glass of the potion and as expected a strong and devasting life force began to spread in all directions with high intensity.

I knew I would be crushed by the aura alone if I let it continue like this.

So I quickly opened the Vial with a little difficulty and finally gulped it down in one go.

Gulp Gulp Gulp

I finished the whole vial and not even a drop was left.

I can feel my consciousness fading as I slowly fell on the floor as a nerve wrecking pain assaulted me.

It was the most painful experience I had felt but I knew it is necessary to break free of the restriction placed on me.

The Elixir was doing it's job to provide the freedom from shackles of mortality but in my case, from shackles of the restriction.










I slowly opened my eyes to see myself in space.


This word could not fully describe my emotions but I have no words for the scene in front of me.

I was in the space and countless stars were filling the space, countless planets in the universe, some were getting born , some were dying, black holes forming, asteroids floating, beautiful chains of planets and stars making exquisite pattern that once seen cannot be forgotten by any being in existence.

Waves of forces getting formed one after another formed since beginning to become the support of verse where all exists, I could see the beautiful gravitational waves like a net all over the plane, I am not sure what it was but I felt like my perception was ko longer 3D in this plane,

What perception I am feeling ?

4D, 6D, 9D 12D or something more ?

The birth of life, birth of countless universe.

How many things were getting born and the eventually withering and dying.

How many things were still living and growing.

I could not help but feel this scene will be etched in my heart forever.

But, now a small part of me has started feeling that these things will continue forever as long as something doesn't obstruct the balance, I could not help but feel that this is nothing for me as I am free to do whatever I wish, nothing matter to my being as things will continue as long as I don't interfere and obstruct it and I don't want to since I just want to see what will happen to these verses next, I want to just watch and occasionally do something to change something.

This is indicating that I have broken my Restrictions and my true race as an Enigma Being has finally been awakened.

As soon as I realised this, I could feel myself getting knowlege about myself, a trait of my race which will allow myself to gain more information about myself as long as I grow.

Such rich information about my race that was not ever mention in novel.

I feel heat in my body gathering up and soon becoming unbearable.




Huff Huff Huff

I woke up panting and sweating and was not back to the tomb where I drank the Elixir of Freedom.


I feel like I have been reborn from the feeling of suppression I was feeling since being reincarnated is nowhere to be found.

I can now fully feel myself and my vampiric bloodline.

I look towards my hand and was in awe of my own skin, at how smooth and soft it has become but at the same time I know that this is just outer appearance, in reality I doubt that any common metal can pierce my skin, it is tougher than steel at the least.

And I can feel my whole skin form top to bottom glowing.

This is due to my true race, if not for Vampire Race still in front, i don't know how much more charm would have come out but I can feel the Vampire Race is currently acting as a sort of barrier restraining the charm of being an Enigma being, but I know it is just temporary as I grow it will weaken since it will simply be unable to hold that much charm.


Huh why did I shiver.....


Well anyways,

I don't know what i have become because there was no mirror here but if previously I was already extremely charming now I don't know what my appearance is like, well I don't think it will matter much in future though I will be pleased to see myself in mirror daily.




If only Genesis knew how many problems his new charm will cause in future, he would have fainted just by listening

Such Charm is he emitting that anyone might just faint seeing him now.

Advised to stay away from him if you are a guy.




The current vampiric bloodline is just a front for my true race and I can feel that I may be able to remove all the vampire traits in me but I would not!



I am not strong enough to afford to show my race to world out there.

And I am pretty sure there are beings in this vast verse who can instantly sniff me out the moment my true race shows up.

Let's leave the verse for a moment, even on the planet I am living on, there are many who could sense me out the instant my true race come forth.

Although Enigma being but I can only be considered an infant just born and will need time to grow up to be at least a adolescence to move .

So I will continue to be Vampire for the time being.

And also I want to enjoy being a Vampire!

I have read a lot about Vampires in my previous life and I was a fan of them.

I want to try different things also with this.


{Author's Note: Vampire Lover}

Now I can finally start training and be able to use magic and aura.

I am getting a little emotional after suffering so much, I can finally be like what I always wanted to .

But first let's check the treasures here in the tomb.

I arrive near the book shelf and started checking books one by one.

Most books were about alchemy and there were many some books containing his lifetime research and experience as how things worked in alchemy and how people misinterpreted some things.

Location of some rare ingredients or the appropriate vegetation requires for their growth were mentioned properly.

There were some books about ancient history and major events were recorded in them.

And some books containing some ancient arts.

There are many precious herbs and ores preserved using magic and many different kind of vials whose use I don't know but there must be information about them in his research work.

I have quite some time as of now.


Because I know mother must have sent someone to track me out so I plan to wait here and absorb as much knowledge as I can here untill things get's a little lax.

Initially I was planning on just going after getting Elixir but now I have changed my mind.

The route to here is only something I know so no one can really enter this tomb for the time being.

And it is also good for me to have some strength before going to Human territory.

Who knows what may happen and I must have an escape plan ready in case of something dangerous.

And I should develop a skill before going to Human territory, and currently my best option will be Alchemy

With the knowledge and herbs here, I can atleast start developing my Alchemy skill and Alchemy is a renowned professional in any Race, so I will have a stable source of Income too since the money I brought with me will end one day.

With Alchemy, I can simply join the Alchemy Association as a Novice Alchemist.

Although Novice, but becoming an Alchemist is very difficult as it requires ones concentration fully and mainpulation of mana or aura to high degrees in order to refine herbs into potions and pills for different purposes.

So even a novice Alchemist is respected a bit.

And I will also have some time to start my training of mana

Yes! I am so excited, let's get to work.








Now first of all, the power system of this world as I read in novel is a bit different for different energy users.

For those who train in mana mainpulation solely are called Mages worldwide and these mages are classified and differentiatied on the basis of the amount of mana, the quality of mana, their knowledge, their control over mana, and destructive nature of their spells and magic.

There are a total of 9 ranks in the world as of now,

They are called the nine star levels.

With 1 star being the lowest and beginning for a mage and 9 star as the highest.

As a mage progresses, it becomes more difficult to advance to next star stage.

Then comes those who train in aura and Ki and they are called Warriors or weapon masters as they use weapons along with Ki.

Ki is a bit different from mana, although both of them has same origins, they are very different.

Mana is stored inside a body of user and the user slowly accumulates more and more mana and increases the star stage of his/her core,

And on the other hand Ki, or we can call it vital life force in nature, the users temper their bodies with Ki and have excess life force in themselves.

A Ki user has more life force than a mage, Ki helps their body to grow and develop strong, they more ki they temper themselves with, the stronger their bodies become both internally and externally,

Ki users are also divided same as mages with 1 star Warrior to highest as 9 star warrior.

The basis on which these stages differ is based on the amount of Ki they can produce, the strength of body, the vitality of body.

Now as for how to collect mana and Ki?

There are different arts.

Arts are instructions on how should an individual meditate, what part of body to be used more during meditation, what postures one should have and a bit more to gather and nurture the energy.

But arts are not something easy to come by as most of them are controlled by Royalty and Nobility of various kingdoms.

So some people prefer another method which is directly meditating without any arts , you can still absorb and nurture mana but the quality will be affected and process will be a bit slow.

Nonetheless majority of commoners with less talent do this.

One individual can nurture both Mana and ki if he has the appropriate aptitude for it but it will take double the time and effort and progress will become extremely slow unless you have high talent for both.

So most people focus only on one type even after having two aptitudes.

Naturally, someone who nurtured both will be stronger than the one who nurtured only one type at same stage.


These things are useless to me according to the knowledge I gained from my Race earlier.

Enigma Beings do not require such means as the apex race.




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