Chapter 232: The Whereabouts

As Lilith connected to the world, she began her search of people with the same Bloodline as Luna. From what she knew, there was supposed to be only one other person in the world with that Bloodline... Her brother. 

Since the world was big, it was a search which could even take hours according to Lilith, so Atlas wasn't in a hurry. He had already prepared himself for a late answer. 

While Lilith was immersed in her search, he turned to Vor. 

"Vor, you wanted time to train Lancaster. I think this place is the perfect, right?" 

"It is."

"After I am gone, you can train Lancaster. Tyler can also help you. I'm sure Lancaster and Tyler can both learn something from it," Atlas further stated. 

"Are you indirectly asking me to train Tyler and your other men as well?" Vor asked. Even though Atlas was speaking indirectly like he was going to let Tyler train with them, it sounded more like he wanted him to train and make his Vampires stronger."