Chapter 233: First Blood

Inside the mansion where Atlas was provided a room, a meeting was taking place. 

The locator spell had been successful and they had covered the basic part of the plan. Now all they needed was to execute the plan, but first they had something more important to do. 

In the main hall, there weren't many people. Lilith, Misella and Luna were sitting on the same couch. On the other side Vor and Lancaster were sitting. 

Atlas was sitting on a seperate chair with a pack of blood in his hand, as if playing with it. 

Tyler was the only person who was still standing but it wasn't because he wasn't asked to sit. Instead, it was because he didn't think it was right for him to sit. 

There was only silence in the hall as Misella gazed at the blood bag in Atlas' hands. They had already informed Misella that it was time for her to drink.