48 Hours

Nial was not a great blacksmith and neither a special alchemist with some special techniques to draw out the impurities of the ingredients he used.

That may be necessary if he were to attempt creating high-tiered runic armaments on his own, but it was certainly not a necessity to create Tier-0 or Tier-1 runic armaments.

With that in mind, he decided to focus on the task at hand after shoving away all the negative thoughts. 

Tightening his grip over the hammer with which he would strike the mold, he began to control the entire process of the Weapon cast creation with [Mana Sense]. The hammer weighed more than 100 kilograms, but it felt like an ordinary hammer in his hand which made things a lot easier.

He had clearly visualized what kind of Mold he wanted to create, which was why he crudely 'formed' them with his mana before he created the mold around them.