Odyssey of the Blind God

Fantasy766 Chapters3.3M Views
Author: HideousGrain
Table of Contents

In a desolate world where humans are on the brink of extinction, conquering countless dungeons, fighting against ferocious beasts, what happens to someone blind and powerless?

Nial's glorious fate was taken from him when he was only three, leaving him blind and without a trace of mana.

15 years later he was still enduring the humiliation of a rotten society that favored the mighty.

Society nearly took away his innocence and brightness, forcing him to mature, giving him an unbending will.

However, everything changed the moment he awoke his Origin.

He devoured Ancient Curses and slaughtered Gods and Devils!

Angels? He will make them kneel!

Devils and the such? All will be in his grasp


Even though I’m blind, I see more than anyone else!

I devour Curses and take control over darkness.

Mark my words…

[It will be all of you that will have to kneel in front of me!]

Just come at me Dragons, Angels, Devils, and Gods…if you dare to!

Otherwise, my ascend will be your doom!

Follow the odyssey of an ordinary, blind youth towards godhood as his fate that had once been taken from him shall be returned.

Witness his pain, and growth to an existence feared even by Ancient Gods and Fiends from primordial times!


[A/N: The MC's behavior in the early stage of the Novel will be different from what the Synopsis suggests. Please take a note of that while reading :D]

59 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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(Currently 150 chapters in) Going into this story what caught my eye was the fact the main character was blind and the description of curses being a source of power. After starting the story with the initial intrigue I fell in love with the character, how he developed, how the people around him also developed and felt alive. The part I loved the most about the character development was how the author took his time with turning the disability of being blind and it slowly becoming an advantage (like dare devil where although blind, he can see more than those with their sight - really cool). This provided a lot of depth to the story in which the world building - piece by piece becomes more intriguing, complex and amazing. Overall this is one of my favorite novels, and if the quality stays the same as it goes further it can definitely take a top spot on this site. (Only thing I could ask for as a reader is more chaps lol) Top tier ✌🏻😁

2 years ago

HideousGrain's novels never disappoint, instead keeps you hooked and hooked until the day the story ends. Great writing style, characters that aren't made of cardboard boxes and dialogue's that bring life to MC and everyone around him. Good luck for WSA 2022! (Even though you probably don't need any)

2 years ago

Fun read so far to ch 34. Very interested to see where its going. Updates are stable, characters are good, world design seems interesting! Keep it up author!

2 years ago

104 chapter's done, dropping now. Reason, simple it's too slow whatever other minor spoilers i still read through them but slow story development is good but 100 chapters and still being too week and no world history etc is a bit too much. It's not like i hate it, i do read slow novels but rarely as they make me feel depressed so to those who wanna read this do read it, it's a good novel so far. Mc is blind, meets a goddess, awakens his mana core at late age but still becomes powerful enough to be considered equal to normal similar age persons, Binds a curse which give him many benefits instead of disadvantages. his sister and parents gets kidnapped by powerful peoples. Read for more explained story.

2 years ago

Honestly just disappointed. (I'm only at 40 chapters) The story promises with a decent plot. But marred by a lack of creativity from the author. History boils down to coincidence after coincidence. That's it, nothing more to add. This remains a decent story to read but is sorely lacking in realism.

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

I wanted to read more before reviewing but I felt like letting out my complaints. I initially saw someone else in the review section complaining about the coincidences being too much in the novel and unrealistic. I for one don't really like novels that coincidences happen regularly in an unrealistic manner especially in favour of the MC. Except there's a special reason why. For instance in Shadow slave, one of MCs ability is "Fated" which causes him to find himself in either the worst or best of situations randomly. Even that isn't done in an annoying way. But, in this case here just from the beginning things are already landing in his laps. Immediately after awakening, three days later or so a dungeon opened in his house. I felt at least there'll be danger. But, no it's a slime monsters dungeon. And lo and behold the association allows keeping or selling of dungeons. He explained that If the dungeon has an outbreak, the family would be responsible if they choose to own it but that feels unnecessary because if there's an outbreak the family would likely be killed and suffer no repercussion. Nd letting people randomly keep dungeons serves as more of a risk Nd losing in the rewards of dungeons. Although the lady that told him all these was planning to use her power to seduce him to sell it off, I still find it unnecessary because generally the association should try and manage dungeons that appear within their jurisdiction better than that. Then the worst part of this is that this guy started killing the slimes off like very easily. This is someone who has been blind since 3 years old. Author made excuse of him training himself how to stab with pipes Nd spear while blind but I don't buy that. To be fair, author tried to repeatedly say the slimes were weak and slightly stronger normal humans could win but MC slaughtered all of them like it was a usual morning routine and I barely saw him struggle since he was doing everything almost perfectly. I even thought he'll at least get injured from the boss slime to reign his pride down a bit or make it seem a bit believable but no he in fact broke his limit and used mana reinforcement to win. MC didn't suffer a scratch on his first dungeon fight as a blind person who barely started "seeing" that same day through mana perception that only reaches a metre radius.

a year ago

Read up to Chapter 150. Fairly average read suited more for younger audiences. Other than the MC having the standard mary sue tropes of automatically having everyone like him and constantly falling face first into opportunities there is nothing particularly wrong with this novel. The writing is average, the combat, story, adventure, world it's all very average standard stuff. Don't expect to be enthralled and unable to put it down. But you're not going to be annoyed you immediately trash it either.

10 months ago

I can't believe that you're the same author for undying warlord as well, that novel has loads of action, good story and everything, I'm not saying that this novel isn't good, out I wouldn't have reached ch106 😅 but author why does so many paragraphs repeat the same content? over and over again? it's so frustrating! If you accept critique I would like to say it needs more 'direct' words to it, thoughts and inner monologue are ok but the repeating content frustrated me so much 😭 other than that everything is lovely 👍 p.s I love undying warlord

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

First! I love all of HideousGrain's novels, but this one is the best so far and is my favorite! I can't wait to read more, it's really well written and exciting.

2 years ago

Do not waste your time on this. Just cringe all the way through.

a year ago

All things what can I say - very-very-very good!

2 years ago

In my opinion, this is the best novels I wrote until now. I cannot vouch that everyone will like it but I'm pretty sure that the majority of readers will learn to love this books, the characters and the authors(definitely no bragging) If questions occur, you can find a discord link in my profile. Join my discord server and ask me directly. :D

2 years ago

Verry good. I haven’t read anything yet, but this is in the depths of my library. The only reason why I haven’t read this is because Nial looks like a freakin middle aged man in the cover. Idk why, but he’s like- 15 isn’t he?! That’s outrageous for a 15 year old to look like a 30 year old! It’s really baffling to me + I don’t really like old MCs unless it’s for a transmigration/reincarnation/anything relating to being reborn/transported/being younger.

a year ago