Angel Kingdom

Years passed and the Orion shelter kept expanding. More than three-quarters of the plateau was now covered by the Orion shelter that was constructed in several layers. There were a total of five walls, one being stronger than the other. Every single shelter wall was fully equipped with means of defense and special constructions such as Protection Domes and Forgotten Runic Cannons.

Nial knew very well that the Orion shelter couldn't be conquered even if some beings at the Trixor rank were to attempt barging into the shelter. They would die miserably before they would set a foot in, which was actually something Nial wanted to test out.

His shelter was known throughout the entire continent for accepting refugees of all races. That was considered as a very generous and liberal move but also a very dangerous thing because there were many Originals and races who didn't explicitly like this. However, it was not as if Nial cared about them.