The Undying vs The Eternal Darkness (10)

When Dilan chose to go all out to snatch back his freedom, he knew that he was going to die at least once.

The True Undying Essence was unleashed in its strongest form while engulfing his entire body with the Power of Destruction. His presence changed all of a sudden and fierce determination could be found burning brightly in his eyes as he created more layers of Destruction around his body and….inside his body, around his organs, veins, bones, and flesh.

The layers of Destruction were everywhere and Dilan ended up killing himself by unleashing the power that hibernated in the depths of the layers of destruction. 

An ear-deafening explosion occurred, but the only thing Kaledur could see was blood spurting through the entire arena, followed by bone fragments, chunks of blood, shreds of skin, and brain mass scattering in all directions.