
Everyone stared at the scene before them in disbelief, while Mirage's eyes narrowed, for he believed that Alix would falter when Adora was concerned but now he was starting to see just how determined Alix was to protect the innocent lives that had got caught up in a fight for power, in a fight for revenge, even if it meant having to hurt the ones he cared about the most, the only one he had ever loved in his life and had given him a sense of security. 

The one who brought him from nothing and helped make him into something, what he was truly meant to be, deep down his heart was aching but it only fueled him more, for both him and Adora were suffering but they knew very well, what needed to be done, deep down, even if it rips their hearts to shreds and he knew that Adora would want it to end as soon as possible.