Need to end

Due to the strength of Alix's attack and Adora's conflicted mind. her not being able to have full control over her body or her abilities, placed her at a disadvantage, she was not able to withstand the force of it, causing her to crash into a building and the glasses shattered as the ground rumbled and she coughed up blood, it was getting more and more difficult for her to main her body, to keep herself stable. 

Alix looked at her and his eyes narrowed as they were glowing, he did not like seeing her in pain, struggling to find her path, when before she could have easily helped someone else find there, at the time, he could see Adora was stuck and this fight would change everything between them for he knew, this battle would not be without loss. 

She stood up as her body glowed and her movements were not right, it was as though she was fully no longer herself and even the other could see that, despite the distance between them.