Don't Underestimate My Identity

"She is my maid and lover at the same time."

Allen boldly declared to his classmates which caused Iris to have a sense of relief while having a slight blush on her face that only appeared for a short while before she immediately composed herself which was only noticed by Allen.

Allen wanted to tease Iris since he rarely saw her show emotions since she was quite apathetic or for a better term, she was a kuudere.

Well, Allen had a thing for kuudere or apathetic girls such as the cold beauty type since those types of girls were his type. He liked how those types of girls didn't show many emotions to others but when they were alone with their lovers, they would be more open to them.

That's the reason why Allen programmed Iris' personality to be that type of girl. He didn't want her to show emotions to others, other than himself.

As they say, "If you can't find the perfect girl/waifu, create one yourself."