Zenchianism And The Creator Of The Chat Group's Identity

Hearing Allen's reply, Selena and her classmates couldn't help but marvel at how talented Allen was.

Allen could use psychic powers and has programming skills comparable to the .

They couldn't help but groan at such injustice when they thought about it. They used to be arrogant because of their talents, but when they met Allen, who has better talents, they couldn't help but feel humbled.

Now they knew why even the authorities at Supreme Academy couldn't figure out Allen's true talent. After all, Allen might have more than two talents, was what they thought in their mind.

Seeing such a gap between their talents, they stopped comparing themselves to Allen, or else they would feel despair. On the bright side, they still had talents, unlike others, so with that thought in their mind, they composed themselves.

"Who hasn't yet introduced themselves?"