The Result Of The First Chess Match

After Carrion took Allen's queen that was on the d2 square, Allen moved his e2 pawn to take on the pawn on d3.

"What are you going to do now? You no longer have any queen and you can't defeat me without it?"

Carrion asked Allen after moving his queen to take the pawn on the d4 square.

In response to that, Allen moved his knight on b1 square to the c3 square to develop his knight.

"Just wait and see. If you don't mind, we can end this game in a draw. Since I had just wanted to try what it is like to use the True Queen's Gambit."

Allen proposed to Carrion for a draw.

"A draw? I don't mind. It will be too boring for me to win that easily and I know you didn't blunder that queen but moved it on purpose. What kind of draw do you want?"

"The Chess Grandmaster Way."

Allen answered Carrion's question and since Carrion understood it, Carrion moved his queen to d8 which undeveloped his queen.