Reti Opening: Chess Openings Kept On Transposing Afterwards!

The coin somersaulted in the air a couple of times until it landed on the ground.

With Allen's , the coin landed on heads.

Well, Allen wanted to play with the white pieces instead of the black pieces not because he was racist but because he always wanted to take the lead or be first at everything.

So when Allen and Iris were going to play on the bed, he would always be in the lead. But, he wouldn't mind if Iris took the initiative since, for him, it was not that bad.

Anyways, after the pieces were decided, Allen and Carrion remained on the white throne and black throne respectively.

"You will play seriously this time, right?"

Carrion asked skeptically towards Allen as he doubted if Allen wouldn't play seriously like in the previous match.

"Of course! My pride is at stake here, so I ought to win this last match of ours!"

After declaring that, Allen moved his knight towards the f3 square.