How The <Supreme Clairvoyant> Talent Works

\Asty: Since all of you agreed to be part of the resistance, then I will let you know that I trust all of you because of that so don't break my trust. Since I will know beforehand when you guys will betray the group or not due to my foresight.\

When Asty warned his classmates about that, his classmates weren't fazed by his warnings since in the first place, they never planned to betray each other especially when they are going up against the entire Supreme Academy.

The entire Supreme Academy had thousands of that they could command and there were no more than 16 in their group so they needed all the help they could get and betrayal wasn't an option.

All of them knew that so they didn't have any thoughts of betraying each other since not only did it not benefit them, but they also didn't see any reason as to why they would even do that.