Telepathy Chat Group's Failsafe And Features

\Asty: Anyway, I had asked my future self how can I test my classmates whether I can trust them or not and he only said that those classmates of mine who joins the resistance are the classmates that I can trust.\

\Arthur: Why is that?\

Arthur couldn't help but ask since he didn't know what the future Asty was thinking when he said that to Asty in the present timeline.

\Asty: My future self has told me that Allen had created a failsafe in the telepathy chat group. One of those failsafe removes the memory of the members of the telepathy chat group when Allen removes the chat group from them.\

Hearing Asty's message in their mind, Asty's classmates gulped in slight fear of losing their memories. They were quite afraid of how prepared Allen was to the point he added that failsafe in the telepathy chat group.