Asty's Crush, His Determination, And Motives

\Asty: I admit that I indeed have motives for telling you all about the future and one of them is to prove my ability as the so I can contribute to the resistance against the Supreme Academy.\

\Asty: Another motive of mine is for me to reveal the features and failsafe of the telepathy chat group so that all of you will know about it early on. Don't get me wrong since Allen did reveal it in the future but he only revealed it when you all ask or if it was necessary to reveal it.\

After saying that, Asty paused for a while before continuing what he was going to say.

\Asty: But… I bet you didn't know my main motive for this.\

Asty spoke mysteriously and as what he had said, his classmates didn't know what his main motives were other than the motives that he had revealed.