Why Aren't Those <Supremes> In Jail?

\Asty: Why do you guys think that I respect and trust Allen? And why do you think I agree to join him in the resistance against the Supreme Academy? It is because he solved all of those problems although as I have said, those problems were solved too late.\

\Asty: And it is not Allen's fault as he didn't know about that.\

\Asty: I know that some of you are confused as to why so I might as well reveal more of my foresights.\

After saying those words to his classmates, Asty decided to tell them more about his foresight aka the memory of his future self.

\Asty: Remember how Allen told us about the spy gadgets problem? Well, he already has a solution to that and I bet he already has one right now. Right, Allen?\

'Hmm… I shouldn't underestimate Asty since even he knows that I have already made the invention that would solve the spy gadgets problem.'