The Admin Stopped Time

Allen released his mana as he manipulated it to enter the group of knights and the executioner's body. Allen further controlled his mana inside their bodies until a clump of mana surrounded their hearts.

With a crushing hand motion, the mana that surrounded their hearts followed suit as it crushed the hearts of the knights and the executioner. The knights and the executioner were already dead as they died from the inside. Only Allen, who has monstrous control over his mana, could ever perform such a feat, not to mention doing it on multiple targets.

After killing the knights and the executioner, Allen teleported to the deserted alley where he had teleported Distere before. Arriving at the deserted alley, Allen noticed that someone was standing near Distere's body.

And that someone was none other than John Skier, aka Time Manipulator Of The Apocalypse, who was immune to Allen's time stop.

"I can't say that I didn't expect this to happen."