Successfully Saving And Recruiting Distere

"Damn it, you traitors! Why did you guys leave me without informing me about it?"

When Deus arrived at the deserted alley and saw that John and Allen had left him, he couldn't help but complain.

"It's not my fault that you aren't immune to time-related abilities."

John replied to Deus' question, causing more confusion for Deus.


Seeing Deus' confusion, John sighed.

"The admin stopped time."

Hearing John's reply, Deus' attention immediately shifted towards Allen who was wearing a nonchalant expression as if stopping time was just an easy feat for him.

From what Deus has noticed, Allen was in excellent condition despite stopping time for who knew how long.

'Not only is the admin the luckiest in the chat group, but his power also shouldn't be underestimated. To think he can stop time as if he was using an ordinary skill… Wouldn't that mean that the admin is unparalleled among enemies of the same power level?'