Distere: I Don't Like Tea

"Iris, can you continue supervising Alisceon's magic training?"

Allen asked Iris.

It was clear to Iris that Allen didn't want Alisceon to know about the existence of the chat group. Allen didn't want Alisceon to be included in the troubles of knowing a multiversal existence such as the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group.

The burden of having such knowledge was high especially when Alisceon didn't have enough power to protect that knowledge. Even his blood-related younger brother, Asther, didn't know about the origin of his talent and the existence of the chat group.

Allen didn't want to burden both Asther and Alisceon with that knowledge.

Iris understood Allen's intentions so she nodded in response.

After receiving Iris' response, Allen used his teleportation magic to teleport himself, John, Deus, and Distere inside Alisceon's mansion.