Supreme Cola And The Start Of The Meeting

"If you are wondering, no, I didn't poison the tea. The chat group prohibits us from killing each other and even if it didn't, I can easily kill you without using poison."

Allen removed any doubts in Distere's mind of Allen poisoning the tea. Allen wouldn't resort to dirty tricks like that especially when he could just stop time and kill Distere if he was prohibited to do that.

And besides, killing Distere wouldn't provide him any benefits so even if the chat group allowed them to kill each other, Allen wouldn't kill Distere.

"No, it's not that. I know you won't poison the tea. It's just that… I don't like tea."

Hearing Distere's words, Deus and John looked at Distere as if he was a heretic. At that time, Deus and John agreed with the executioner that Distere was a heretic.

As for Allen, he didn't show any expression as he just calmly sip his tea.

"What do you like then?"