Demons [9]

"Ahh~ how sad. No matter how much I want to play with you, time doesn't seem to be on my side." 

The words that seemed playful out of context were like the whispers of the devil to the demons who heard them. 

"What to do, what to do. I could tear you apart with my own hands, but I don't want to get my clothes dirty. Hmm, what if you all kill each other? Oooh, that sounds fun! Let's do that!"

The demons shook. Their bodies wouldn't move no matter how much they tried to will them to. 

"Ehhh~ you don't want to? But I was getting really excited! Okay~ how about I let whoever can stay alive until the end live! The rest will die either way."

"Fuck this! I'm leaving!" 

A Demon General couldn't bear the psychological torture anymore. He dropped everything he had on him and ran blindly.