Readjusting [2]

"Phew, finally back to normal."

In a quiet field located far away from any civilization, Damien let out a sigh of relief. After many days of continuous effort, he had readapted to his body.

Truthfully, it wasn't as hard as he originally expected, though he shouldn't have been surprised considering how he had bolted to the mirror right after he woke up without any trouble. 

In terms of readjustment, it only took a few hours for him to complete it. The rest of the past few days were used to familiarize him with the improvements he'd made during his coma.

"When it comes to my physical body, it doesn't seem like there have been many changes besides the fact that I gained a bit more vitality than I had previously. Instead of losing years, I actually seem to have made a net gain in lifespan through this experience."