Heaven-Shaking [2]

The roots of the World Tree, which had been standing in place for over 100,000 years, had already spread throughout the entire 3000 Beast Mountain Range. Their true number was uncountable.

And these exact roots had burst forth from the ground, swinging rapidly towards the millions of tentacles of the Heaven Swallowing Beast.


20 mountains were razed in the clash. Most beasts living on the ground level of the mountain range had already been turned to ash. 

The clash lasted no more than an instant, not even enough time to be called a second, yet it still caused so much damage.

But the battle wouldn't end in a single clash, nor were the two Demigods willing to waste any more time talking.

Millions of roots from all directions sprung into the air, painting the sky in a greenish-brown color. The aura of the World Tree swelled as if it was about to burst, casting a great shadow on the world below.

'Undying Spirit.'