Second Act [1]

20 shadows populated a discreet corner of the Emperor Bone Sea, nearly unmoving for over a week.

This was the amount of time Damien and Zara had been in Aquazyl, and unfortunately for their pursuers, entering the ancient realm was easier said than done.

"It's impossible for them to just disappear! Don't tell me some random kid was able to sense us and escape?!" One of the men said.

"No, that's impossible. The leader responded. "Not to mention the power difference, I've heard that brat is especially arrogant. Even if he did sense us, he wouldn't run." The leader responded with squinted eyes.

Because Damien was a known special expert, they'd been trailing at a large distance, but this ended up working against them. In the midst of this strange whirlpool formation they surrounded, he'd disappeared.

The problem was that there was nothing within the formation. Even after destroying the Whirlwind Seaweed, they only found empty sea.