Black Ink [8]

'How…did it come to this?'

Minutes prior to its eruption from the ocean, the wreckage of a Titan warrior could be seen strewn about the dark sea. Pieces of metal and debris floated away from the main body, leaving it battered and filled with holes.

Still in his armor form, Tyler sighed. Surprisingly enough, he could feel the terrible pain arcing through his body even in his current state.

The armor's damage was his bodily damage, and currently, the armor itself was torn to the point where it was almost multiple separated pieces.

'If I turn back into human form right now, I'll probably die instantly.'

Tyler thought back to the previous battle, if it could even be called that.

Rather than a battle, it was a one-sided beatdown.

The power of the Titan warrior after Tyler, Synth, and Ash combined their individual power was immense, but it didn't seem to matter at all to Zara.