Holy Light Realm [1]

Dawn was felt differently in Luxurion.

Due to the Sky Castle's special location and existence, it didn't orbit a sun, nor did it have any moons in its own orbit.

Both of these celestial bodies would cloud Luxurion's stainless image with their light, so the castle itself was built with several regulations to guarantee that such bodies would never enter or be born in its vicinity.

Time in Luxurion was defined by an interesting system implemented by Angels who frequented the castle, utilizing Fate Lines and Light Laws to create a special mechanism that provided a falsified sense of day and night that actually originated from the air itself rather than a specific light source.

The system was realistic to the point where one would only notice its existence if one took the time to truly perceive the starry sky outside.

Nevertheless, this realism was exactly what made residing in Luxurion comfortable.