Operation [2]

Because Rose's illusions could only mimic and not master the strengths of the people she cloned, their only real advantage was size.

Being smaller than the Nox by several feet, they were able to weave through the chaotic environment with much more dexterity, which was what allowed them to avoid their two pursuers for an extended period of time.

Only, there weren't only two after them.

Rakash and Krato were the ones who chased the fastest, but once the rest arrived, there was no chance at all.

One by one, each member of the Judgement Order was turned into mincemeat.

All except Rose.

She stood surrounded by ten High Commanders, her neck in the hands of an Executioner.

"This is their leader. Let us take her back to the Lord. He has been eager to torture this one," the Executioner said.

"Sir, can't we have a bite first? Humans are a rare breed in the universe. I am curious about how they taste."
