Cosmic Rebirth [6]

Long ago, in a nameless area of the Abyss, a Nox Being was born.

That being had no family, nor was she born from the Demon Abyss. The entirety of her existence was a mystery.

Therefore, she did not come under the control of a Nox Emperor during her early life.

She did not know that there were others like her. She was not aware of other existences in any way.

She was alone and so far separated that the only thing she shared with the Nox was heritage.

And, unlike the rest of her race, she was born with spirituality.

She had no sense of curiosity or desire. She remained in the place where she was born, quietly drifting with the Abyss as she pondered her existence.

And the Abyss embraced her, a lonely existence like it.

It's energy flowed through her body and changed it. She became stronger without knowing what strength was, her consciousness still limited to her naive state.