Go to the Iron Monarch River

Yi Yun continued to chat with Qin Wuxin, they talked about various topics, from legendary figures to geography.

It turns out that talking about those things really has no boundaries at all, there is always something interesting to talk about.

Qin Wuxin also asked about his experience during the time he entered the Green Cloud Pool, it seems that she is also interested in trying it out later.

Unknowingly, their wine had run out and almost three hours of time had passed.

At this moment, a tall woman looking to be in her twenties entered the bar.

What's quite interesting about this woman is that her hair is orange and she has a pair of cat ears, similar to Su Yihan's rabbit ears.

Xia Xinghe had already told him that people like Su Yihan were a mix of humans and demon beasts.

They were humans with few beast characteristics and powers.

Yi Yun thought this woman was one of the people who would go with Qin Wuxin because she was staring at her when she came while she was also looking at her.

"Junior Qin, you came very early," she said as she arrived in front of them.

Like the previous Elder, she immediately looked at Yi Yun.


"Yi Yun, from the Alchemy Hall." Yi Yun introduced himself before Qin Wuxin helped him.

"Senior Bai, he wants to come with us, no problem, right?" Qin Wuxin asked.

"Oh." Her cat ears moved after she heard Qin Wuxin's words.

Yi Yun felt she looked displeased, but in the end, she nodded and said to him, "I am Bai Qing, the deputy leader of the White Cats Group. I don't mind you coming with us since we're fellow disciples of the Holy Light Sect. However, if you don't make a significant contribution, I won't share the profits with you."

"It's fine, I just want to take a look and have some experience," Yi Yun replied.

Bai Qing didn't say anything else, she sat by Qin Wuxin's side and ordered a bottle of wine which she finished in one gulp.

Right after that, one more person came over, he was one of Qin Wuxin's twin brothers.

Despite having interacted with Qin Tian, ​​Yi Yun wasn't sure if this one was Qin Tian or Qin Feng. Not only were their faces the same, but their expressions and even the way they walked were really almost the same as well.

He walked over to them, greeted Qin Wuxin and Bai Qing but just nodded at him without saying anything even though he sat down by his side after that.

Now it was quite clear that he was not Qin Tian, ​​but Qin Feng.

A few moments later, one by one came again until there were eight people, two men and six women, this group seemed to have more female members. Their cultivation ranged from the third to the seventh stage.

Bai Qing was naturally the most powerful. According to Xia Xinghe, she had almost broken through to the Xiantian Realm, she was definitely one of the strongest Ordinary Disciples.

It seemed that their number was sufficient now that Bai Qing suddenly stood up.

"Let's go," she said.

She and the other disclipes immediately exited the bar.

Yi Yun followed behind with Qin Wuxin deliberately slowing her pace to keep up with his pace.

Using the sect tornado was completely free, but it turned out to be very bad compared to the tornado in Green Cloud City. Besides being slower, the movement of the tornado sometimes stopped suddenly as if it ran out of fuel.

Several times Yi Yun felt as if he was on the verge of falling.

Luckily it's still safe.

Below, there was a small village connected by a large road in the middle of the forest. Yi Yun only now knew of their whereabouts because they were nowhere to be seen from above.

The village was inhabited by people who looked old but their bodies emitted a faint spiritual aura.

Their cultivation was between the second to the fourth stage.

Some of them lived leisurely lives playing chess and some took care of Spiritual Beasts.

'Are they retired disclipes?' Yi Yun wondered.

He felt the energy around him.

It was the same as the city under Green Cloud City.

An old man then came pulling two large horses and a carriage that seemed to seat up to fifty people.

He handed them over to Bai Qing.

"Miss Bai, this is the carriage you asked for, guaranteed not to be felt even if passing through the damaged roads," he said.

Bai Qing grabbed the rope that tied the two horses, she said, "thank you old man, we will be leaving soon."

"Please be careful, you have the talent to forge ahead, lest an accident befall you." The old man gave advice, he seemed to reminisce about his friends who were geniuses but died early.

"Mmm.." Bai Qing nodded before looking at the group, to be more precise at Yi Yun.

"We're going quite a distance, so we take turns being the coachman, now you first," she said, leaving Yi Yun dumbfounded.

"You're not going to say you can't, are you?"

"Ehmmm…" Yi Yun cleared his throat.

"No, of course, I can, I just haven't ridden a Spiritual Beast before. Besides, I don't know where we're going either."

"Then that means you can. As for the path, just keep going straight, I'll let you know when there's a turn."

After that, Bai Qing and the other disciples started to board the carriage.

But there was one that remained standing in place, Qin Wuxin.

Bai Qing who got on the last carriage asked, "Junior Qin, why don't you get on?"

"There's something I want to talk to him about, let me accompany him," Qin Wuxin replied.

Yi Yun, "..."

Bai Qing knitted her brows but she finally shook her head with a strange smile.

Several female disciples seemed to speak after that, but Yi Yun did not hear what they were saying.

"Miss Qin, you don't have to do this," Yi Yun said.

He still called her Miss Qin despite having chatted with her for three hours.

"I just don't want this carriage to fall into the abyss," she replied, making him smile wryly.

"You are too honest, Miss Qin."

Since she could see the lie, there was no point in continuing to hide it.

He immediately climbed into the coachman's seat which was indeed designed for two, followed by Qin Wuxin.

There was a distance of about 15 cm between them, but still so close that the fragrance of her body could be smelled very clearly.

Yi Yun grabbed the two horses' ropes. Just as he was just pulling it, the two horses suddenly growled and took a step. He thought it wouldn't be difficult considering he was a cultivator. However, what happened was that one horse stepped to the left while the other horse stepped to the right.

Seeing that, Qin Wuxin quickly took control of the ropes and changed the direction of the horses in such a swift motion that they dashed forward.

If she was even a moment late, the carriage would probably overturn.

"Where do you live that you don't even know how to ride a horse-drawn carriage?" Qin Wuxin glanced at him.

Her expression was relaxed and she looked like she wanted to laugh.

Yi Yun chose silence.

"By the way, our destination is one of the dams of the Iron Monarch River, it's a busy and conflict-ridden place," she said.

"The good thing is, the sects around this dam have made a pact that only allows Houtian Realm cultivators to enter."

After saying that, Qin Wuxin took the whip that was located beside the coachman's seat, she whipped the two horses so that they started to run faster.

Yi Yun estimated it was around 150 km per hour.

But with that speed, he could still see the scenery around him clearly.

And just as the old man said, the carriage really overcame the broken road, it didn't shake even when it passed a tree trunk in the middle of the road.

Yi Yun thought it was very comfortable to relax while looking at the scenery, but Qin Wuxin told him to learn to control the horses.

After about 45 minutes, they passed a fairly large crater.

It was black and there was still smoke rising from underground.

"This was the result of the lightning strike ten days ago, right?"

The crater wasn't visible from the sect as it was indeed quite far away, but it turned out to be quite large.

Qin Wuxin stared at the crater, her eyes flashing once before turning her gaze forward.

After passing through the crater, there were quite a number of villages along the way, and they became more numerous as they got further away.

Some of the villages had few inhabitants and some had many inhabitants, there seemed to be a feud between the villages as well.

Of course, there were several cultivators as well in each village.

About three hours later, they passed a small town and another three hours later as the sky grew dark, they arrived at a fairly large city. It's also just a mortal city, but there are some areas that seem to be shrouded in formations.

They were the territories of cultivation clans that were not strong enough to stay in the sky but could still cultivate below by using formations that filtered spiritual energy so that it became pure enough to cultivate.

They didn't stop at the city while Yi Yun and Qin Wuxin were also getting tired, their stomachs getting hungry.

Fortunately, one of the disclipes offered to take their place.

With that, they immediately entered the carriage.

Some disclipes are sleeping and some are eating.

Qin Feng lay in the corner with his eyes closed while Bai Qing was examining the weapon shaped like a cat's claw.

There were still quite a few empty areas, Qin Wuxin walked over to one of them.

Yi Yun thought they had been sitting side by side since this morning, it would be a bit strange if they were sitting far apart in the carriage, so he followed suit.

Xia Xinghe who had remained silent since they had descended downstairs finally spoke. "Yi Yun, you hypocrite," she said.

Yi Yun was too lazy to respond to her strange thoughts, he pretended not to hear.

After passing through one city, there were more cities that they passed, which got bigger as they got further away.

Entering the third day of the journey, they entered a large road that went up.

Above is not a mountain, but indeed the land there is higher.

Through the carriage window, Yi Yun saw quite a number of cultivators, whether it was using carriages or riding beasts.

Even though their ages varied, there were no Xiantian Realm cultivators in sight, they were all still in the Houtian Realm.

Over time, they got higher and higher until they passed several clouds.

According to another disciple, the land where the Iron Monarch River was located was about 50 kilometers above the rest of the land, about a third of the height of the islands in the sky.

After four hours of travel, they arrived at a city that was a bit messy with old buildings but still looked solid.

Behind the city, there was a fort that was over 500 meters high. Yi Yun felt pressed just by looking at it.

The state of the spiritual energy here is much better, but it still hasn't reached the point of comfort.

After parking the carriage in the courtyard of a sizable building, Bai Qing immediately ordered the others to get off.

This building bears the mark that it is the base of the Holy Light Sect and is guarded by several disciples.

In this city, the base of the Holy Light Sect was quite conspicuous, which meant that in this region they were still considered a top class faction.

The disciples guarding the base immediately approached Yi Yun and the others, paying their respects to Bai Qing. One of them said, "Senior Bai, Senior Chen Ao and the others left first half an hour ago, he said for you to catch up immediately when you arrive."

Bai Qing knitted her brows and finally nodded.

She looked at the others. "Let's go," she said.

After that, she walked towards the gate in the center of the fort.

There were so many people around the fort that Yi Yun felt like he was in a tourist spot.

Behind the fort, he immediately saw the dam in question.

It was similar to a dam on earth but much wider.

On the other side of the dam, there was a large river shaped like a snake with water flowing very fast.

The people who came here dived into the dam, they used some kind of water bubble to cover their heads, it seemed to be created from a formation.

Some people use boats to go across the dam, to the river on the other side.

Yi Yun wondered what was Bai Qing's purpose in coming here, were they just looking for iron ore? Maybe there was something she was looking for, but it was strange enough that she brought along weak disciples as well so even Qin Feng who was clearly still at the first stage could tag along. Maybe he was needed too.

Bai Qing looked around for a while, she then said, "The things we do must not be known by others. Therefore, we need to act as if we came here only to train and look for iron ore. There will be signs that will appear, so you need to act as if you are also figuring out what is causing the signs. I will go first, tomorrow, find me!"

After saying that, she distributed a few sheets of yellow paper to each of the disciples, she then went to the small forest beside the dam.

On the paper it was written that they were Bubble Formation, simply placed on the head, they would turn into a bubble that could last as long as there was a supply of spiritual energy.

To Yi Yun's surprise, the moment he held the paper, he found himself able to feel Bai Qing's aura very clearly even though she was already away.

The reaction of the other disclipes was still quite relaxed, after some conversation, they started to leave one by one or in groups.

One of the female disciples said to Qin Wuxin. "Junior Qin, want to come with us?"

Qin Wuxin shook her head in response. "I think I need to seek experience as well with my own strength."

"Alright, then be careful!"

"I will." Qin Wuxin nodded.

Yi Yun thought the other disciples were very considerate of her.

Immediately after that she looked at him and Qin Feng.

"Let's look for iron ore first, the sales are quite good," she said.

Yi Yun just nodded.

They immediately approached one side of the dam.

However, just before they even jumped into the dam, someone, seemingly a man, suddenly jumped out.

"Please, please, please save me." That man jumped up while screaming so that everyone around was shocked.

They were more surprised when they saw the condition of the man who did not look like a human because his body was full of small, jet-black creatures.

As the man fell on the ground, he rolled around, but the little creatures didn't leave his body, they clung so tightly that it looked like they were part of the body.

Yi Yun said, "Leech," while Qin Wuxin said, "Iron Leech."

The people watching were also conversing amongst themselves so Yi Yun finally knew what they were.

They could be said to be pests of all Iron Monarch Rivers, appearing only at certain times.

Their appearance usually marked the appearance of rare treasures, but their existence was also extremely dangerous because if even one stuck to one, one would suffer greatly.

After they drank even a drop of blood, they would multiply so rapidly until the body they were attached to was full of their presence.

Yi Yun was horrified after knowing that.

"Quick, quickly help senior." Several people came, seemed to be disciples of the same sect as that man.

They surrounded him but didn't dare to get too close.

"Hey you, Alchemist, quickly use your Life Energy," one of them said to a young man whose cultivation was only at the second stage.

The youth stepped closer, his hand immediately emitting a green light.

However, the light was not directed at the man, it was directed at his side.

Several leeches immediately moved to the light.

That is one reliable way to get rid of them.

Unfortunately, compared to all leeches, few of them moved.

"My Life Energy is not strong enough, senior blood is more attractive to them," said the young man.

"Damn." The disciple who spoke earlier cursed.

"What should we do? None of us can use fire." He started to panic so his skin turned pale.

Fire can be used to burn leeches, but the problem is that they are iron leeches, their bodies are hard as iron itself, ordinary fire cannot burn their bodies.

The heat from the fire would only make the leeches more vicious.

"The sect master will slaughter all of us if senior dies," he continued.

He started to look around, hoping someone would come to help. Unfortunately no one made a move, each one just watching while discussing with their comrades.

Hoping for the help of others in the Cultivation World was ridiculous. He himself helped for his own safety.

"Yi Yun, they are very suitable to inhabit the river here," Xia Xinghe said while Yi Yun was observing the leeches.

"Are you serious? They won't bother the fish, will they?" He asked.

"A fight is inevitable, the fish will be superior, but not reach the point of extermination of the leeches. What matters most is their ability. As you can see. They don't have the power to destroy mountains but they can cause terrible disasters. The good thing is that they can improve the quality of iron."

"Alright, I'll take your word for it." Yi Yun nodded.

He then looked at Qin Wuxin who remained calm looking at the leeches.

"Does their appearance have anything to do with what Senior Bai is doing?" he asked.

"Maybe." Qin Wuxin nodded without giving a clear answer.

"How about now? Are you still interested in diving into this dam?" she asked.

"Why not? But you don't seem worried at all, Miss Qin."

"There's nothing to worry about," Qin Wuxin replied with a barely perceptible faint smile.

Yi Yun had confidence in his Life Energy, but Qin Wuxin also seemed to have something to rely on.