Give a Hand

They didn't jump into the dam immediately, but watched the leech-infested man first.

The juniors of the man were getting confused and desperate, some had even started to take a step back.

If he died, they could only flee as quickly as possible from this region so as not to become their sect master's target.

"Is he just waiting to die?" Yi Yun wondered. His voice could only be heard in the Heavenly Garden.

"No, since he is the son of a sect master, it won't be that easy for him to die," Xia Xinghe replied.

Yi Yun was somewhat clueless as to what she meant, but he didn't ask, he continued to observe.

Over time, the man's body seemed to shrink, perhaps because the loss of blood was too much. If he was an ordinary human, his blood would definitely be exhausted within a second with so many leeches, luckily he was a cultivator who had more blood.

When his death was probably only a few seconds away, two people suddenly jumped towards him.

One man and one woman.

Yi Yun was slightly surprised because they were wearing exactly the same robes as the people who had come to the Holy Light Sect a few days ago.

The man then said to the sect disciples of the leech-infested man. "Your Cloud Bull Sect has a piece of a Sky Grade Artifact. Send a message to your sect masters to send it to the Red Stone Sect right now if he wants his son to live."

After he said that, the woman showed a green light so dense that the air became fragrant.

Even the mere presence of that light made the leeches start moving from the man's body.

"This is Fang Huai and Qiao Yu. Qiao Yu is a Houtian Fifth Stage Alchemist, there is hope that he is safe," someone said.

The Cloud Bull Sect disciples looked at each other. The one who previously spoke quickly spoke again. "Quick, quick, go to the Telecommunications Formation and send a message to the sect."

Quickly some of the disclipes ran out of the dam fort.

In the city, there is a Telecommunications Formation that can be used to send messages to the sects around this dam so that things that happen here can spread quickly.

Yi Yun sighed, now he understood what Xia Xinghe meant.

It's very simple.

Here, you will be abandoned if you are useless. And if you can be used, you will be used.

The father of the leech-infested man seemed to love him very much.

It was still unknown if he would give the piece to the Red Stone Sect, but there was definitely nothing wrong with trying to blackmail him.

"However, it would be a bad thing for the Holy Light Sect if the Red Stone Sect profited from this," Yi Yun said.

After all, the Red Stone Sect seemed to be extremely hostile to the Holy Light Sect.

Currently, the strength of the two sects was quite balanced. Even though conflicts continued to occur, each sect was able to defend well. But if there was an opportunity to exterminate the others, surely no one would miss it.

Qin Wuxin knitted her brows, she nodded in agreement.

"I think we need to help that man," she said while Yi Yun knitted his brows.

He wondered if he needed to be involved in this.

But in the end, he followed her.

After some deliberation, he thought that getting involved in this was still better than the enemy sect becoming stronger.

The latter was far more dangerous for a little disciple like him.

The arrival of the three of them quickly attracted attention.

The two Red Stone Sect disciples knitted their brows while the Cloud Bull Sect disciples were slightly wary.

Qin Wuxin, who was the first to arrive before them said, "We will save this senior of yours, there is no need to give anything to the Red Stone Sect."

"What? Who are you?" Qiao Yu quickly interrupted.

Qin Wuxin didn't respond, she just stared at the Cloud Bull Sect disciples.

Her gaze was sharp, she didn't look like she wanted to offer help, but gave them two choices.

"You're crazy, what could a Second Stage Houtian like you do? Perhaps what you meant was to help kill him," Fang Huai said.

Right after he said that, several onlookers suddenly added.

"Little girl, you should learn to wash clothes first, don't trick others just to get attention."

"That's right, little girl, state your sect name so everyone knows which sect disciple is trying to deceive."


It was quite clear that they were a group that was deliberately trying to bring down Qin Wuxin so that the disciples of the Cloud Bull Sect would not believe her.

It might be hard to believe in her, but for people who were too hopeful, they would think there was nothing wrong with trying.

Qin Wuxin glanced at the people who were speaking before continuing as she looked at the Cloud Bull Sect disciples. "There's no need to hesitate, you guys must have heard of Yi Yun, the new Alchemist of the Holy Light Sect who was invited by Mu Tiandi to join his clan because of his amazing talent. He is this man standing beside me. We can see why Mu Tiandi is so attracted to him."

She looked at Yi Yun, the smile on her face seemed even more obvious.

'This woman is trying to use me,' Yi Yun cursed inwardly.

Before he didn't attract much attention, but now there were so many who paid attention to him.

Even Fang Huai and Qiao Yu looked at him with sharp eyes.

The latter said, "even if he is a talented Alchemist, he is only at the second stage. How capable can he become?"

Yi Yun knew that time was tight, he responded by taking action directly.

His body emitted a green glow, which although smaller than Qian Yu's green glow, it seemed clearer, thicker, and full of vitality that one wanted to bask under it.

The leeches' reactions were very fast, they started to descend from the man's body and move towards Yi Yun's green light.

"This." As an Alchemist, it was Qiao Yu who was the most shocked.

Fang Huai's expression changed slightly, looking like he wanted to take action on Yi Yun.

However, the Cloud Bull Sect disciples who knew that things were indeed as Qin Wuxin had said took a ready stance against Fang Huai so he ended up holding back.

A few of them left from there, seeming to want to catch up with the disciples who were sent to send messages earlier.

"The people of this world are really aggressive," Yi Yun said into the Heavenly Garden as he observed them.

"It just means they've seen some bloody events," Xia Xinghe replied. "You are still gentle when compared to them."

Yi Yun agreed with her words.

His suffering as a homeless person did not affect his mentality as much as seeing the bloody events.