- Outpost Assault Preparations

"So, what's the plan? We just going to rush in there and start blasting them until they're dead? Connor asked.

"Is that really the best you can come up with?" Joel asked. "Rush in and 'start blasting?'" he asked, using his hands to make air quote signs.

"Honestly, if it was up to me I would just set up a ton of traps and lure them into it," Connor responded. "Limits the danger to us, and if we can get proof of it then we can hit their morale too, hopefully. It's like pulling a practical joke, but the punchline is death."

Kyle laughed. "Somehow, that's even worse than the first idea."

"A practical joke?" Teala asked while laughing. "Did you forget this was meant to be a war?"

"Laugh all you want, at least I'm making suggestions," Connor retorted.