The predator or the prey

Sometimes, Adam hated his life, feeling it was a curse he had to injure for eternity. However, there were times he also enjoyed his immortality and the extraordinary strength he possessed.

It did give him many advantages in life, just like tonight. As he effortlessly lured his prey, readily surrendering to his will. It was a charisma that no woman could easily resist.

"Yes, please." The woman answered seductively, accepting the drink offered. Her chest leaned even closer to him, showing him a hint of what might be hiding underneath her skimpy dress.

Her legs crossed, making her ass pressed more on his muscled legs. It also hiked up her dress higher, showing off her slim, fair legs that seemed quite soft to the touch.

His other hand instinctively moved from her waist down to her exposed legs, feeling the creamy flesh underneath his fingers.

This motion had her shifting in her position as if asking for more.

"Thanks, I am Belle." The girl introduced herself, her red lips widening into a smile, but her eyes never left him. Her other hand stayed on his shoulder while the other started playing with the button of his shirt.

"Here you go," Isaac interrupted the private session that he was having with his new toy, placing a fresh drink on the table before her. But his friend's eyes narrowed at him, questioning him with his stare.

As much as he wanted to continue with their discussion, his mind still had not resolved what measures to take. Instead, his body decided to set his next course of action.

Belle whispered something to his ear that stretched his lips into a smile. His hand crawled slowly at her back until it reached the tendrils of her hair. A gentle pull, and then her head tilted, giving him access to her long slender neck.

"Let me show you a great time." He whispered to her ears, slightly tightening his grip around her, pulling her even closer to his body, allowing his lips to graze her neck, kissing her skin near her jugular veins.

"Ok." A single word should have been enough, but her following actions spoke more volumes. Her hands wrapped around his neck tightly, and her ass moved even closer until her chest pressed against him, feeling their softness in contrast to his solid muscles.

"Would you like to go to my place?" It was a whisper only for her ears, but he knew his friend had heard him. It should be enough to tell his friend that his plans had changed for the night.

Her nod signaled that it was time for him to leave. She stood up, dragging him to his feet. Then, with a slight acknowledgment toward his friend, he walked away from them without looking back.

Once inside his car, he realized he could not bring her back to the castle. "What about your place?" He asked instead, gripping the stirring wheel, waiting for her direction.

As they cruised on their way to her apartment, which was thankfully not far from their current location, his mind floated back to that girl racing away from him.

Adam quickly pushed her into the deeper recesses of his mind, not desiring to deal with her, when a beautiful woman was in his presence, willing to entertain him for the night.

"This is my place." The girl announced as they stood outside her door. A formality that humans used to prolong the chase. "Do you want to come in?" Unlocking the door and opening it wide, finally giving him the invitation.

Once he entered her apartment, he could not control his desire anymore to possess her, using her as the distraction he desperately needed against the thoughts that had plagued his mind.

He grabbed her by the waist, lavishing her with kisses on her reddish lips, cheeks, and down her throat. Then, he pushed her to the nearest wall, gripping her thighs to lift her until her legs entwined on his waist.

"Ooohhh!" The girl moaned at the initial contact of their bodies, letting his lips and his hands work on her every nerve, pleasuring her in ways he had mastered through time.

The contrast between his calloused fingers and her velvety flesh sent a sensation throughout his body, making him crave for her more.

Smelling her human scent and feeling her increasing heartbeat thrilled him even more. Then, a rage enveloped him, something he had not experienced for a long time, a craving he had suppressed through self-control, a hunger for blood that he had subdued with time.

"Ahhh!" But this time, it was not a sound of pleasure coming from her lips. Pain and fear were evident in her eyes. "You are hurting me."

His right hand tightened its grip on her wrists pinned on the wall. While his other hand clenched on his side, restraining his impulse to hurt her.

"Please, let go of me." Her wails of cry echoed in the room, but his body stayed immobile, preventing her from escaping his grasp.

Adam took a deep breath, suppressing his desire to wrap his hands around her neck that would finally suck the life out of her.

But eventually, his legs stepped backward, away from the girl as if scorched by her touch when she tried to push him back with her free hand.

What was happening to him? His hand covered his face as if distraught by his action. He had never killed a human for a very long time. In truth, it had been many decades since his hands took any life.

"What is wrong with you?" The woman quickly drew back to the room, scampering away from him, scared for her life. "Get out of my house."

Closing his eyes, abruptly ceasing his movement, he had managed to gradually stop the urge to ravish her, not with passion but with rage.

With a quicker speed, he quickly caught up with her, grabbing by the arms, stopping her from running away. "I did not mean to hurt you. Do not be afraid of me. Let us forget this ever happened."

His words penetrated her mind as he heard her heart slow down to normal. Her breathing was not as labor as before as her eyes cleared from the fear that gripped her.

"Ok." Her lips had stopped trembling as she nodded her head, confirming understanding.

Without saying anything another word, he had turned around and headed for the door, closing it behind him and not looking back.

Returning to his car, Adam again closed his eyes, analyzing what just happened to him. Something snapped at him when he heard those beating sounds. It triggered something inside of him.

It was not the woman in his arms that went through his mind during those times. But the other woman who had escaped her fate. Her heartbeat invaded her thoughts, her scent fresh in his memories.

"Aaahhh!" He felt the frustration coursing through his body, making him tense in his seat as his mind insisted only on one thought.

He wanted her. His mind and body craved to have her.

For what? To hurt her, kill her. Or?

Was he still the predator or the prey?