She rushed to the house, following Adam, trying to catch up with his quick strides. Just like him, she was concerned about the boy. She might have no idea what was happening, but she could read from his expression that he sensed something serious.

When they were almost at the house, she also started to sense the different power surrounding the house, particularly the clinic. She was familiar with it when she witnessed her friends practicing their magic. But she believed this was stronger.

Adam was the first to reach the door, but he waited for her, opening it for her and allowing her first to enter before he followed closely behind her. 

"What do you think is happening in there?" Avana finally dared to ask, still confused by what was happening.

First, she discovered that she was in the presence of their mortal enemies. The monsters she was supposed to stay away from, but now, she had learned, were not as evil as she thought.