The room grew more silent with each second as the boy lowered down on the bed. Until he finally stirred in his sleep, mumbling something nobody could understand.

Avana moved closer to the boy, still holding his hands tighter. Slowly, she felt the cold disappear as her warmth began to restore his body temperature. 

His skin also returned to its original color from its paleness earlier. He seemed to be coming back to normal. But it was still too early to tell. Until he woke up, they could not be sure.

"What do you think is happening to him?" Cathy anxiously asked, but Avana could only shrug her shoulders, not having any answers for her yet.

She tried to sense her wolf inside, wondering if she had something to do with this or learned something from this experience. But she had been silent for a while now. Just like her, her wolf might be clueless.