"What is that?" He asked, looking at the small vial in his father's hand. He had seen those bottles before. 

Now, he wondered what it was for and why his father had it. He had seen his father working on so many things that he was curious about what it was. He wanted to help and be part of it.

"It is special medicines for sick people." The King looked at the brown vial in his possession and pushed it into his pocket, hiding it from his sight.

His alchemist had been working on this formulation for days, but he still needed to test it on a subject to see if it would work. 

"What kind of sickness does it cure?" He walked faster, trying to catch up with his father's stride. He wished to learn more about his father's work, idolizing his father for his courage and skills in fighting.

"It..." His father was about to tell him something when he heard an angelic voice behind him calling his name.