She walked toward the front entrance of the massive mansion as her eyes kept scanning the rooms and hallways. Still, there was no sight of them. Where could they be?

"Kiev!" She shouted as she passed by the rooms. "Resha!" She repeated, thinking that they might be playing in one of them. But they did not respond to her call. Then she stopped at the main door and tapped the guard on his shoulder.

"Did you notice two kids come this way?" Cathy asked, turning to one of the guards, looking for Resha and Kiev. She had not seen them for more than an hour, slightly worried.

She went to the kitchen after visiting her brother earlier to help with the meals, and when she returned to the living room, she remembered that the kids were still nowhere in sight. 

She assumed they were only playing around the large estate, but until now, she had not seen even their shadow anywhere. What if something happened to them? What if Kiev had an episode and he was alone?