Entrance exams (4) - Vocation test

She looked at him with interest in her eyes. He gained her attention, not because he was gifted or because he was special, instead, his declaration struck a chord with her.

For as long as she could remember, she had to strive for strength. Born to a powerful family, that was the only way she could gain their attention.

Even now, she still had to keep on struggling. Others fawned over her because of her genius. It was bothersome having to deal with bootlickers every day.

She decided to meet him at least once. He might turn out to be different from the rest. It would be nice to have a friend that did not suck up to her because of her name or genius.

For the first time today, Elena smiled.


Nathan rose to his feet, his shoulder hurting from getting hit by the sergeant. "What are you waiting for?.. Quickly decide what vocation you would use to fulfill your declaration."

Nathan felt like crying. "At least, ask if my arm still works." He moved without saying a word, beginning his search.

He didn't have to look for long as he reached the Repairman area. So far only two others were standing there. A plump teen with black hair and a stout physique alongside a girl with chestnut hair tied up into a ponytail and a shapely figure.

He came to stand with them, with a glance he realized the girl wore glasses and the plump guy had a double eye-patch on his forehead. "Are you guys planning on becoming Repairmen?" The plump teen did not respond, his eyes still on the engineering kits that were placed neatly.

It was the girl that responded. "I don't know about him, but I would like to be one… it's just that.." Nathan noticed the hesitation in her voice. "Just that what?"

The girl took a look at the plump guy, not sure of how to respond. "Come on, tell me." It was then the plump guy sighed. "Don't tell me you are not aware."

"Aware of what?" Nathan asked, his brows knitted. "Repairman is a class looked down on by the military. It's a fancy word for servant. They don't engage in battle nor are they assigned weapons.

"Their job is to follow around the 'real' Guardians and ensure that their equipment is always in good condition. They are prime targets to be used as Cannon fodder and in a full-blown battle, they are usually the first to die.

"It's the worst of worst. That's why only weak people with low-affinity ratios and core quality are accepted in their ranks. If a high ranker were to attempt to join them, they would immediately be sanctioned.

"That's the reason we are both standing here without immediately making our decision."

Nathan was shocked. He was aware of what the Repairman class entailed but he was oblivious to the fact that they suffered so much.

In his previous life, he had thought that they were pretty cool. They were just like him, Technocrafters but unlike him, they were brave enough to use their skills on the battlefield.

"I was too naïve." He could only blame himself for thinking that it was so simple. "So I'm guessing that you are standing here because your affinity ratio was low?"

"Hmmph, what do you think?" The plump guy looked vexed. "And you?" Nathan turned his attention to the girl. "Mn." She nodded, feeling embarrassed as she quickly turned her head away.

"Hmm, I understand. Well, since you guys aren't going to get moving, don't mind if I do." Nathan chuckled as he stepped forward and picked up an engineering kit. Just then.

"Candidate Nathaniel Holt has picked Repairman class."

"Are you crazy??... How can you decide just like that??... Did you not hear anything I said?" The plump man asked, shocked by Nathan's relaxed demeanor. "Of course, I heard every single word."

"...And yet, you picked up a kit without thinking about it?... Have you forgotten that once you pick a class, you can't change out of it?" The plump man's voice at this point had gotten a bit loud. "And so?... I never said I was planning on changing it."

Nathan shrugged. The plump guy looked at him like a crazy person. "You are out of your mind." The girl also had a surprised look on her face as she kept her gaze on the kit in Nathan's right hand.

"Hehe, maybe I am but my fate was already decided from the moment I walked through the gates into the academy. I got forty-five percent in the affinity test and Navy blue in the core quality test."

"You are Nathaniel Holt?" Both the plump guy and the girl in glasses recalled the orientation with Captain Rodgers. He was the guy that got a perfect score on the knowledge test.

The same guy that got the lowest score on the affinity test.

"Nice to meet you." Nathan joked as he did a slight bow. "You should have heard me earlier, right?... Since the system is designed to cater to the naturally gifted, then I will change it.

"I feel that to do something crazy like that, the skills of a Repairman are required. Also, I don't exactly have a choice." Nathan was well aware that he couldn't choose a different class, he wasn't gifted with a sword or spear or any weapon for that matter.

He was a normal guy that enjoyed working with tech. So he would go about his mission while doing what he loved. That was his decision.

The plump guy stared at Nathan, torn on what to do. He had gotten a score of forty-eight percent on the affinity test and his ranking on the core quality test was Midnight blue.

He had hoped for a better score. If only he had gotten a score above fifty, he wouldn't be standing here. He would go for a different class.

"Is this guy so thick-skinned that he doesn't feel regret over picking such a dangerous and trashy class?" He could not help but wonder. Though he knew he had no choice, at least he thought about it for a bit.

This guy before him just picked up a kit, it was so casual he would think it was not a fate-defining decision.

The girl in glasses felt a little embarrassed by Nathan's words. But she also felt weirdly attracted to them. The reason she had not picked up a kit was because of what the fatty told her.

Now faced with someone that did not give a single damn about the dangers of a Repairman, she was inclined to go forward with her decision. Thus she did so.

Nathan watched her move and pick up a kit. "Candidate Leah Crowley has picked the Repairman class." She looked a bit timid as she stood beside him, both hands on the kit.

"Nice to meet you, Leah." Nathan reached out his palm for a handshake which she took after a little hesitation. "Nice to meet you too."

The fatty felt left out. "Ah shit, the both of you are crazy." Nathan smiled at him while gesturing for him to pick up a kit. "We don't have all day you know."

"You…" The fatty wanted to say something else but gave up as he dropped his shoulders in defeat. He walked forward and picked up a kit as well.

"Candidate Riley Moretti has picked the Repairman class." Nathan chuckled. "Nice to have you onboard, Riley. Let's make a difference together."

"Don't talk to me." Riley turned his face away eliciting a chuckle from Nathan with Leah also amused as she managed a smile.

"Candidate Reyes Goldman has picked Sniper class." Just as Nathan was about to look for him, he approached him with a rather long gun hung at his shoulder.

"So you picked Sniper class. Nice choice." Nathan said with a smile. "Hehe, it's a safe class for me. I get to hide at a distance and shoot the enemy. What could be better than that?" Reyes replied.


"You picked Repairman." Nathan nodded. "Nice. I'll ask that you become my butler on the battlefield."

"Bah, who the hell are you calling butler?" Nathan reached out to try and punch Reyes with the latter taking a step back. They looked like good friends.

"Hehe. I'm guessing you guys also picked Repairman class…" Reyes trailed off as he set his eyes on Leah. The latter facing downwards. "Well hello there." He reached out for a handshake.

Nathan put up a brow. "Hi," Leah replied, feeling a bit awkward with the sudden approach as she shook him. "I guess there would be an additional reason to drop by the Repairman class. So I can get a chance to gaze upon your beauty."

Nathan was stunned. Riley had to look over. "The audacity of this dude." Leah's face turned beet red. "Th…thank you." She quickly retracted her arm, completely embarrassed by the compliment.