Entrance exams (5) - Meeting with Doctor Chen

An hour elapsed pretty quickly as the candidates made their choices, picking up the equipment for their respective classes.

"I'm glad to see that you all have decided. Remember, you have chosen your class and there will not be any chance to change it later on." Sergeant Armstrong remarked as he stood before them.

"You will be lead to your living quarters shortly. By tomorrow, you lot will find out the squadron you have been assigned to. So good luck and welcome to Guardian Academy."

Some felt anticipation, others felt pressured, and some others were relaxed. All in all, they had gotten the chance to become warriors for the human race. Their path was set, now all that remained was to walk it.

Nathan and Reyes were engaged in conversation, Leah and Riley standing by the side. Elena saw an opportunity to introduce herself as she headed for him.

A few people noticed her leave, including Jeremiah, his brows knitted into a frown. "Don't tell me…" Just as Elena was a few meters from Nathan, she paused.

"Ahem." Nathan turned round to find a familiar figure standing behind him. He was a brown-skinned man in his thirties with a slender build and an Arabian look about him. He wore a white coat and a pair of glasses.

"Uncle Hassan, you are here," Nathan said with a pleasant smile. "Of course. I work as a Repairman instructor in the academy after all. So why are you here?"

Nathan spotted the frown on Hassan's face. "Did I do something wrong?" Hassan pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed.

"I came in today to carry out my assignment as an examiner. Now imagine my surprise while I was going through the results and I found your name amongst the candidates, what's more, your result was really poor."

"Uncle Hassan, I can explain." Hassan did not respond as he grabbed Nathan by his wrist. "I already called Doctor Chen. He is on his way here. You are coming with me."

"Is there a problem, Hassan?" Armstrong stepped forward. "No problem at all. I just want to talk with the young lad."

"The candidates are about to be sent to the dormitory. If he leaves now, I'm afraid he might miss the chance to get a good room. If that happens, I'm afraid he might be laid off, especially since his grades…"

Armstrong trailed off as he was aware that Hassan was knowledgeable about what he was implying. Nathan's low score placed him on a tight rope. Any mistakes and he could kiss his admission goodbye.

"Heh, sir, I think it's best if you take him with you. The academy won't face any losses by his absence." Jeremiah chipped in, his words like pins as they pricked Nathan's little confidence.

"I don't think I need you to tell me what to do young man. You might be the son of a big family outside but here, I will advise that you give me the respect of a teacher."

Jeremiah felt insulted as his facial expression twisted but he had no choice but to back down.

Hassan did not spare him more than a simple glance as he spoke before returning his attention to Armstrong. "I'm not sure he might be coming back. He is not meant to be here."

Nathan at that point held Hassan's wrist causing the latter to look at him. "Uncle Hassan, I need to be here. I can't drop out before I get a chance to start."

"Sir, if it's okay, I would like to book two beds in the dorm room I would be assigned to." Armstrong turned to find Reyes. "And you are?"

"Reyes Goldman." Armstrong's brows knitted. "Goldman family. I see. In that case, it's fine then." Hassan let out a sigh. "Let's go." He let go of Nathan's wrist.

"See you in a bit." Reyes smiled gently. "I'll be waiting for you." Nathan followed after Hassan, eyes on him as he exited the open area through a backdoor.

Elena watched the entire exchange with a complicated expression.

It didn't take long before a few military officers came in and lead them out, their destination naturally being the dormitory.

Nathan on the other hand walked for over fifteen minutes before he saw a tech workshop. "Is that your office?" Hassan nodded. "It's my workspace."

Once they got to the door, Hassan pressed a button and it opened to reveal a workshop filled with tools, spare parts, and unfinished projects. In the middle of this was a man wearing a pair of glasses, dressed in a suit with a rather typical Chinese look.

His facial expression was unpleasant as he stared intently at Nathan. "Hey…" "Don't try to patronize me." The man said as he cut Nathan off.

"Weren't you supposed to come to my workshop today?"

"I was but…" Nathan was cut off again as the Chinese man rose from his seat. "So why are you here?"

"Funny story…" "I will hit you if you try to joke with me." Nathan held his tongue. The man before him held a certain amount of authority over him. He could not dare to disobey but he still had to explain himself.

"If you just let me explain myself, you wouldn't be so upset." Doctor Chen heaved a sigh as he closed his eyes. "Fine then." He sat back in his seat.

"I know I should have come to meet you today but the reason I came to the academy instead is that I had to." Hassan stood at the side, speechless as he watched the exchange between the two.

"You had to?... I don't see any reason why though." Nathan bit his lower lip. "Just trust me. There is."

Doctor Chen put up a brow. "I know you, Nate. You have always been a shut-in. The only reason you took the knowledge test was that it's mandatory.

"You told me that you don't dare to become a Guardian. You'd rather focus on becoming a Technocrafter. Isn't that the reason I arranged for you to become my assistant to avoid having to become a Guardian?

"Now, you stand before me with the audacity to say that, you had to?... Nathan, is life a joke to you?... Do you think you can just change your mind as you wish?"

Nathan's fist tightened. He understood why Doctor Chen was upset with him. He would be surprised if he wasn't. But only he knew why he chose to become a Guardian. He had to... To protect everyone.

"I know it looks like I'm playing around but…" Doctor Chen put up his palm. "Hassan informed me of your grades. You performed poorly and yet, you still chose a class?... Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I know it looks bad but I had no choice, if I become your assistant then I won't be able to fulfill my mission and the future of humanity will be doomed as a result!!" Nathan did not realize it but he had yelled.

Hassan had a curious look on his face while Doctor Chen visibly frowned as he glanced at Nathan. "Hassan, excuse us, please." Hassan felt a bit reluctant but in the end, decided to leave.

He closed the door behind them as he took his place outside. Doctor Chen watched the door close before he pushed up his sleeve and tapped his wristwatch. A blue wave spread out and the room was made soundproof.

"Now repeat what you said again." Doctor Chen said as he rose to his feet and approached Nathan until he was within arm's length.

"The reason I came to the academy is that I know what happens in the future and…"


Nathan felt his cheek sting as his eyes became unfocused for a brief moment. After a few seconds, he regained himself as he realized that he had been slapped by Doctor Chen.

He placed his palm over his cheek, partly because of the pain and also out of the surprise due to the sudden slap.

"I know you are still a bit naïve but stupidity is something I won't tolerate!!" Doctor Chen bellowed. "But.."

"Shut up!!" Doctor Chen put up his palm again causing Nathan to immediately hold his tongue. He stared at him for a full minute before he reached out and dragged him into a hug.

"I just have one question for you, Nate." Nathan heard the doctor's uneven heartbeat. It didn't seem like he was angry, based on the frequency, it looked like he was afraid. "Yes, Doc."

"Did we lose?" His voice carried with it a certain pain, like one in which a person was already aware of the answer to his question but was unwilling to accept it.

"Yes." He closed his eyes, his heart skipping a beat.