Perfect World VR (33) - Resolve

"What are you guys talking about?" "Oh just planning on going out to grab a few drinks."

"Wow, that sounds like a great idea. How about we all go after we are done visiting Ruben?... It sounds like a good way to celebrate our clearing of the test."

"I agree. We should get together to celebrate our victory, it wasn't easy." "Haha, true."

"So everyone in support of going out to grab drinks?" "Yeah sure, of course. Who wouldn't want to go?"

"I believe Indra might turn out to be the spoilsport." "… I will partake as well. It is a good way to build the team."

"Hah, must you bring up the professional side of things?.. Right now, we are just heading out to have fun… Have you heard of the word?...F.U.N… Fun."

"Hah, just let it be. I'm glad you would be joining us, Indra." "Pleasure."

And just like that, a humble meeting between Leah and Nathan turned into an avenue to celebrate their success.

It was indeed a brilliant idea for most but to Leah, she felt the urge to ask the ground to open up and swallow her. Her hope of spending private time with Nathan had been crushed to dust.

Nathan on the other hand could only chuckle as he went along with the whole arrangement. It was a good opportunity to plan for the upcoming tests.

Just as they were absorbed in their conversation, a sudden grunt caused them to coordinate themselves. A part of them had already informed them of the source of the grunt.

"I guess I have to congratulate you lot on successfully passing your first test. Personally, though, I would be better off berating you on all the things you did wrong during the duration of the test."

He had a stern expression as he addressed them. He strolled around them, measuring each one of them for all that they were worth.

"Sorry to say sir, but I believe we did our best for what it was worth," Elena spoke up to defend the hard work of her team. She could not allow anyone to look down on it.

"Hmmph, did your best indeed. You allowed three of your squad members to die, almost lost the Mammoth within the first few minutes of logging into Perfect World, consistently put the lives of you and your squad members on the line, and in the end, had to depend on a very rich gamble to win.

"The game difficulty setting had been adjusted to fit your level but it would seem even with that, you guys still needed to rely on good luck to pass. If anything, I would say that you were subpar with your performances."

They remained silent. There was no need to refute his words since they were mostly true.

"But then again, I guess there were a few that performed better than others, considering the position they occupy." He paused as he glanced over at Leah and then at Nathan. It was clear whom he was referring to.

"In any case, since you passed the test, I cannot hold it against you but with this showing of yours, I believe I should take a few drastic measures, especially when it comes to you, young lady."

He stood before Elena and glared. She put her head up and looked back, she did not avert her gaze nor did she back down. She had accepted the challenge that the captain had given.

He slowly nodded his head before a smile formed at the corner of his lips.

"Your rewards will be delivered to you by the end of the day. Take the rest of the day to rest and recuperate. Five hours of gaming can have its effects on your well-being."

He turned his back to them and prepared to leave. "Sir, we were planning on leaving the academy to celebrate our win. Since you are here, I would like to ask for a permit."

"Do what you want, don't bother me. The details about your next test would be sent to you by tomorrow, prepare diligently for it."

"Does this mean that our next assignment is tomorrow?" He glanced over. "Same time, next week. Do not be late." His words carried a tone of finality. He was done with them and he would not entertain any other questions.

"Aye, sir."

Once he was gone, the tense atmosphere began to ease up. "He always sweats the small details. Such a drag." Reyes remarked. "Let's go."


The rest of the day was spent thusly. They first visited Ruben to check up on him and once that was finished, they got the permit needed to leave the academy and headed over to an eatery to celebrate.

It was a night of fun and games for Red Wing Thunder Squadron as they let loose and had as much fun as possible. For that night, Nathan forgot about his mission and was able to enjoy himself.

It was a refreshing feeling even though he wasn't used to the vibe that came with such gatherings. Leah was not so different as they stuck close to each other.

The highlights of the night would be when Reyes returned Celeste's kiss and Elena asked Nathan to be her dance partner when a call was made for extra entertainment.

He could not count the number of times he nearly tripped himself while trying to keep up with Elena. It was embarrassing and yet, somewhat comforting. How many cadets could say that they received so much attention from the genius of their set?

By the time they got back to the academy, it was pretty late and past their curfew. It would result in punishment the next day but for that night… It was worth it.

As Nathan laid down on his bed and bid Reyes good night, he could not help but close his eyes, waiting for the night to pass, all his worries forgotten for that single moment.


The days that followed would be filled with theory and practical classes with Nathan diligently attending both while also making out time to head over to Hassan's workplace.

It was a rather dull week nonetheless but it allowed them to prepare well for the next test. It would not be easy in the upcoming tests.

With each test, the academy expected growth, those that remained stagnant would immediately be placed on probation.

It allowed for healthy competition and put pressure on the cadets to ensure that they never slacked off, not even once.

Soon enough, the week was over and a new one was ushered in, bringing with it, new problems and a new test for Red Wing Thunder Squadron to undertake.


[Welcome back players, to Perfect World. I will be your host, Pixie.]

They had already gotten into the gaming capsules and logged into the game. All twenty were decked out in attire similar to the underclothing worn whenever an Exo suit was utilized.

It was a leather suit that went all the way from their necks to their ankles and a pair of running shoes.

They were currently in the meeting room of the Mammoth and at the center of the table, An AI program, taking the shape of a Pixie pet, addressed them on their situation. An upgrade from the notification system that they had used for the previous test.

[This test has been dubbed, 'Escort', by the developers. As the name suggests, Team Red Wing Thunder would be escorting the Mammoth as it goes on a delivery run.]

A map was created just above it. [All details about the mission and what it entails have been sent to your watches. Good luck.]

"Wait a minute. I thought you would be our guide for this test?" [That is a negative. I am not a guide, merely a helper but do not expect to gain my help during your battles. Once again, Good luck.]

With that, the Pixie image was cut off and the squad was left all alone in the meeting room. "Well, it's official, I don't like her," Sandra said, referring to the Pixie AI.

"Never mind that. We shouldn't waste time as we did during the last test. We could be attacked at any time. Quickly brief yourselves on the mission details so we can begin."

Elena was not willing to make any mistakes like the ones she had made during the last test. There were two reasons why.

The first was because of her desires. Even though there was no such thing as perfect, she still intended to get a near-perfect clear with no hitches, it would signal some growth from her leadership showing from last week.

The second was the challenge that Captain Rodgers had given her. No matter what, she would come out victorious from it. That was her resolve!!!